The Belle Fashion Challenge

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Later that day at home, Ann examined the outfits she would put on for the Belle Fashion Challenge. She knew all the clothes were nice. What she wasn't certain of was if they would win a Belle Fashion Challenge. It was just like trying to hit a bull's-eye with a flimsy arrow. Definitely, the arrow was bound to miss the target.

"These outfits are good but they aren't great. There's something missing in each of them," Ann told her sister who sat next to her on the bed.

Angela agreed. Then Ann suddenly lit up. "Mum! Mum is the solution! She is good with embroidery and stitching. Plus, she still has her sewing machine so she'll know what to do with them."

"Right. We should totally take them to her now. We haven't got enough time. Tomorrow is the D-Day." Angela stood up from the bed. Ann got off the bed too and took the clothes. Then they went to the kitchen to find their mum.

"Have you prepared for the Belle Fashion Challenge, honey?" Mrs. Whitney said, when she saw Ann entering the kitchen with Angela.

"Kind of."

"Mum, Ann's outfits need finishing touches. Can you help?"

Mrs. Whitney took the clothes from Ann. She took a careful look at each of them and told them, "Let me see what I can do."

It seemed Mrs. Whitney had a magic wand for she converted Ann's clothes from ordinary to extraordinary overnight. Ann was elated when she saw the superb transformation.

"My gosh! They are so lovely mum!" Ann exclaimed.  

Mrs. Whitney smiled and left the room. When she came back, she handed Ann a box. Ann took the box and opened it. She pulled out a glittering emerald green gown with only one strap. It screamed high-end couture!

"It's gorgeous!" Ann squealed with joy.

Mrs. Whitney said, "It was made for me on my fourteenth birthday. I loved it so much I had to keep it."

Ann undressed and wore the glittering green dress. Mrs. Whitney straightened Ann's hair so that it fell back sleekly and also applied a bit of make-up on her daughter's face.

"There you go." Mrs. Whitney said, dropping the lip gloss. Ann stood up to check herself in the full-length mirror.

"Gee!" Angela exclaimed as she entered Ann's room. "You look like you should be on the cover of Vogue, Annie."

Ann smiled as she examined herself in the mirror. With her hand on her hip, she turned and posed elegantly.

"It's almost your turn. You're all set, right?" Angela asked, entering Ann's dressing space.

"Angie, I'm so nervous. I wish the butterflies in my tummy would just go away."

"It's okay. It's natural to feel this way. Just relax and give your best walk whenever you're on the runway, alright?"

"Alright." Ann sighed.

It was the day of the Belle Fashion Challenge. Ann's straightened hair was up in a chignon and she had worn one of the clothes her mother had worked on. The outfit she had worn used to be just a yellow silk camisole top on neon pants. However, her mother had embroidered the base of the camisole top with green floral designs so the outfit had moved from cool to supercool.

Ann strutted on the runway with a fierce look. All eyes settled on her, she noticed. When she got to the edge of the runway, she gave a striking pose, turned and walked back to the rear. Just as she got backstage, she saw Chloe walking confidently up the runway, smiling to display her perfect white teeth. Her outfit was impeccable. Ann shrugged and looked away. She went to her dressing area to change for the next round.

The rounds went on and on. Ann gave her all with a fierce look anytime she was on the narrow platform. She gave a bubbly presence when the outfit eluded vivacity.

The final round rolled up. Ann wore her mom's glittering emerald green dress for that last round. Angela styled Ann's long hair as perfectly sleek and straight as her mum had done the previous night. There was no hair out of place. She also made up her sister's face. Immediately Angela finished, Ann saw Nick through the mirror before her.

"Nick?" Ann said. Angela turned and saw Nick there.

Angela questioned, "What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Angela! Could you excuse us for a while?"

"Sure." Angela excused them.

Ann stood up and moved towards Nick.

"Ann, you've done great so far. I'm sure you will win."

"Oh Nick, I hope so! I've got tough competition, you know. I would be shocked if I win with Chloe and all but I'll keep my fingers crossed."

"Chloe is good and there's no doubt about that. There's a possibility she might win but there's also possibility you might win too."

"Yeah? Why do you say that?"

"You haven't noticed? All the other contestants are trying to be like Chloe in order to win. They smile till their faces hurt when walking on the runway. But you don't do that. You are being yourself to win. You're always very striking whenever you're on there. I love your effortless fierce look. I think everyone does. You stand out and I believe standing out is what will make you win."

Ann did not know what to say. She just smiled, stood on her toes, leaned towards Nick and pecked his cheek.

Nick grinned and before he started away, he told her, "Remember you're a Joan Smalls in a room full of blue-eyed blonde Barbie dolls." When he got to the exit, he turned and said, "By the way, you look really beautiful Ann. Give the last round your best shot."

Ann nodded, still speechless.

Ann walked confidently up the runway. She kept walking, bold and beautiful as usual, till she got to the edge of the runway where she planted her hands on her hips, twirled and posed gracefully for about five seconds for the audience to see her beautiful dress. Then she gracefully walked back to the rear of  the catwalk. She knew she had totally done her very best. She knew she had totally rocked it.

When she got backstage, Chloe approached her and said, "You walked like a zombie, and you looked like one too, you know? Who in the world taught you to walk like that?"

"Maybe I'm not as trendy as you are. Maybe I don't walk as good as you do. But for all you know, I may win or I may not. However the case may turn out, I know one thing is for sure: I intimidate you without lifting a finger. I intimidate you without even trying to. Knowing that is enough satisfaction. So just stand here and keep on telling yourself how great you think you are." Ann walked away, ignoring the pissed look on Chloe's face.

All the contestants were called on stage when it was time for the winner to be announced. Mrs. Diane Kurr, the Art teacher, who was the presenter of the show got the results from the judges.

"The winner of the Belle Fashion Challenge," Mrs. Kurr shouted. "Is—"

Mrs. Diane Kurr shouted, "Ann Whitney!"

"Oh my God! Oh my God! I won!" Ann couldn't believe her ears.
"Yeah!!!" the audience cheered. They cheered so loud that the noise became deafening.

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" the audience shouted. Mrs. Diane Kurr gave Ann the microphone she was using.

"Hello," Ann started. "I have five people to thank in all. Firstly and most importantly, I give thanks to God. Secondly, to my sister, Angie, I say thank you and I love you! Thirdly, my mum for this beautiful dress and then to Nick Forest for the support. Finally, I thank you all. Thank you so much."

The audience applauded and cheered again as the Guest of honour presented Ann with her prizes. She got a fashion trophy and an exquisite outfit from Gigi's collection with Tommy Hilfiger.

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