Nick and Alan Forest

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The next day at school, Ann was pasting her photo in her locker. In the photo, she was pouting, like the Kardashians usually do, to show the Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Flavored Lip Gloss she had worn.

Then someone patted her on the back. She turned and saw a dark brown boy with perfect arched brows. The boy said, "I'm Nicholas Forest. But you can call me Nick." He handed her a glue. "You dropped this."

"My paper glue! Thank you!" Ann exclaimed, taking the glue from Nick. "I'm Ann Whitney. I'm not sure I've seen you around here before. Are you new?"

"Yeah, I'm new. My brother and I just transferred here. It's actually our first day in this school." Lines that may have been dimples formed on his cheeks.

"Oh, you have a brother. Is he in grade 6...7..." Ann closed her locker.

Nick smiled, baring the dimples. "Actually, we're twins so basically, we're in the same grade." He added, "We are homozygous twins."

"Identical twins, you mean?" Ann asked and Nick nodded. "Really!?!" Ann beamed. "Believe it or not, I'm also an identical twin."

"What?? No way!"
"Yes! True!"
"That's totally awesome! "

Ann grinned, nodding in agreement to Nick's exclamation.
"It doesn't happen everyday. Meeting another twin." he added.
Ann beamed. "I know! It's crazy!"

Then Nick asked, "I'm guessing you are in eighth grade too. Right?"

"Right. How did you know?"

"Your book."

Ann looked at the book she was holding. Only eighth graders used the book she had. "Oh, my book. Right. Same?"

Nick nodded. "Which class are you heading to?"


"Me too!"

The two had started walking out of the locker room when it hit Ann. "Oh no! No, no, no!" Ann said, turning around. There was no one in the locker room except for them. "Oh no! Did you hear the bell ring?"

The dark brown boy with dark brows and brown eyes stiffened. "No way! We are late for class!" He whined, "Great, I'm late on my first day."

Then, they rushed to History class. When they entered the class, they both froze: They were late! And every eye was on them.

After class, the teacher pulled them aside and chastised them. It was a miracle they didn't get detention.

As soon as Angela heard the bell ring, she ran quickly to her homeroom. For the first time, she wanted to be the first to enter class. She did not want to be scolded severely like Ann was.

While running, she hit a book on the floor, bumped a boy flat on his back and landed on top of him.

"Ouch!" Angela cried, still on the boy.

Angela blushed as she rolled over the boy and stood up. She reached down to offer her hand but she slipped and fell next to the boy. Angela looked at the boy and they both burst into laughter. Then they struggled up, back to their feet.

"I'm so sorry," Angela said, looking into the boy's brown eyes.

"Never mind. I'm not hurt," the boy said as he dusted his jeans with his hands.

"I'm Angela Whitney." Angela extended her hand.

The boy shook Angela's hand. "Nice to meet you. Alan Forest, Angie."

"Angie? That's what my twin sister calls me."

"No way! You're a twin?" Alan's eyes widened. "I'm also a twin, an identical twin."

Suddenly, Angela remembered Ann's description of the boy she had told her about: arched brows, dark brown eyes, dimples that run thin and long...An identical twin! Then it all made sense to her. She laughed ,"So you're the other one? With Nick?"

"Yes, the other one," replied Alan. "Wait, how do you know Nick?" He added, "You already met?"

"No, not yet. But I have a pretty good idea of how he looks now."
Alan laughed. This girl was funny.

Angela explained, "I'm the sister of Ann, the girl Nick was late for class with. He must've mentioned her to you."

"Oh, yeah," Alan said, noticing the beauty spot on the lower part of Angela's right cheek as she looked down. "He did."
She was shy, Angela. But she also seemed smart and fun. He liked meeting her. He didn't even realise it when he next asked her the most random thing. "Good at riddles?"

"Try me," Angela said, smiling.

Alan proceeded, "What is black when cleaned and white when dirty?"

Angela answered, "A blackboard."

Alan smiled and asked again, "What nut has no shell?"

"Doughnut," Angela responded quickly.

"What bee does not sting?"

"Beetle," Angela replied quicker than she had answered the second riddle.

Alan raised up his hands. "Okay, I give up."

Angela smiled. "Alan, I think we should go to our homerooms now."

"Right!" Alan said.

"We don't want to be chastised too, do we?" Angela started away slowly.

"Right! We don't. Later." Alan waved.

"Later," Angela said, waving back at Alan as she quickened her steps to her homeroom.

Fortunately, neither Alan nor Angela was late for class.

Angela told Ann about Alan and how she met him as they walked to the parking lot when school was over. Then they heard, "Ann! Angela!" They turned and saw Nick and Alan walking towards them.

"Hello, homozygous twins," Nicholas said.

Angela and Ann said together in the same tone Nicholas had used, "Hello, homozygous twins." Then, they all laughed.

"Angie?" Alan said when he saw Angela's beauty spot on her right cheek. Angela nodded, bashful. Alan continued, "This is my brother Nick," hitting Nick's shoulder. "Dude, this is Angela Whitney."

"Hi. Nicholas Forest," Nick said, extending his hand towards Angela. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Angela shook Nick's hand.

"Annie, meet Alan Forest," Angela told Ann.

"Hello, Alan. Ann Whitney. Nice to meet you," Ann said.

"Same." Alan shook hands with Ann.

"Enough with the formalities. Isn't this unbelievably weird? Identical twins meeting equally identical twins," said Ann.

Nick said, "Identical twins becoming acquainted with identical twins."

Angela said, "Are you guys for real?"
"Are you guys for real?" Alan said.

Then the four laughed.

A while later, they said their goodbyes and parted ways. The Whitney twins went to board the waiting yellow omnibus back to their neighbourhood. Meanwhile, Nick and Alan waited for their father to pick them up from school.

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