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"Dad, why are we here? What's the occasion?" Ann asked her father. The Whitneys were at a very fancy restaurant. The twins knew their parents dined there on occasions like when either of them got promoted or even on their anniversaries. As a matter of fact, it was their favourite restaurant.

"Your treat," Mrs. Whitney said.

"For what?" asked Ann.

"What else? For achieving the aims you conceived. Your grades generally improved, even in the classes you complained about. You participated in competitions for the first time. And you won! Both of you! I can't tell you enough how proud I am of you. Congratulations girls!" Mr. Whitney said.

"Thanks!" Angela and Ann said in unison.

The waitress came. "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Whitney." She handed a menu to Mr. Whitney, one to Mrs. Whitney and another to Angela to share with Ann. "You must be the lovely twins. Aww, look how pretty!"

"Thank you. I'm Ann." Ann smiled brightly.

"And I am Angela," Angela introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you both. Vanessa." The waitress said.

"Nice to meet you too, Vanessa," the twins said together.

"Good evening, Vanessa," Mr. Whitney greeted.

"Good evening, Vanessa," Mrs. Whitney also greeted.

"So what will you have?" asked Vanessa.

A minute later, Vanessa, the waitress, left their table after noting down their order.

After they finished their meals, they waited for their desserts. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney talked.

"Mum, Dad, I would like to use the washroom," Ann said.

"Okay, honey," Mrs. Whitney said.

"Angela, will you go with me?" Angela did not say anything. She just gave Ann a 'can't-you-go-by-yourself' look. Before Angela could decline, Ann pulled her from her seat and kept pulling her till they entered the washroom.

"What?" Angela yelled.

"Mum always tells us that Dad never blushes. Let's make him blush here, tonight."

Angela lit up. "That's great! But how do we do it? What's the plan?"

Ann grinned. "Just work with me."

Seconds later when they were back in their seats, Ann said, "Dad, we know this is the place you asked mum to marry you. How did you feel doing it?"

"Yeah, Dad. Tell us. Did you kneel like most men do? Where was the ring? In your pocket? Did you kiss mum after she accepted your proposal?" Angela played along.

Mr. Whitney's face started reddening. He started, "Well, I uh...uhh..." He was at a loss for words for the first time. Then he coughed. "I uh...uh...Let's have our desserts first, shall we?" He was light-skinned and his face had really reddened.

"He's blushing! He's blushing! Mum, Dad is blushing!" Ann cried out.

"He's all flushed! Yeah! We did it, Annie!" Angela made a high-five with Ann as Mrs. Whitney laughed at her better half.

The next day, Ann and Angela went to the park. As always, kids run up and down in the park. Some kids were swinging and others were skipping. A few of the kids played tennis in the court as many played soccer at the centre of the park.

Ann and Angela ate ice creams as they talked. They were seated on a bench.

Ann said, "Supposing Randy Walden takes about 6,788,392 days to create his best invention, what do you think he will invent?"

"Definitely a non-stick glue."

Ann laughed. She thought for a while and said, "Dad is right you know. We have achieved a lot. We worked hard at school, bettered our grades, won competitions, confronted Chloe and Libby, met Nick and Alan, liked Nick and Alan." She smiled at the last thought and then added, "Plus, we made Dad blush. Can you think of a word that best describes it all?"

Angela thought for a while. Then she finally nodded and said, "Fabulous! This all is so fabulous!"

"Yes! Yes! Fabulous! Fabulous is the word!" Then Ann dumped her ice cream on Angela's head, messing up her sister's hair.

"Oh no, you didn't. You didn't just—"

Ann took to her heels, laughing. Angela got off the bench and chased her sister all round the park.

                                    The End.

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