chapter 1: sacrifice

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My little brother Jordan was exhausted from his day at school and sports. He loved soccer and while it gave him bursts of energy, he would be drained to no end by the end of it. He's only 8, and despite him being a little too big to carry, here I was carrying his tired self up the stairs.

Our front door of the house was immediately greeted by the stairs that led upstairs. On the left was the entrance to the kitchen, and the right was just drywall.

I slowly carry his sleeping form in my arms, exiting the living room slowly while turning off all the lights. It was just moonlight seeping through the windows and the light pitter-patter of the rain that surrounded our quiet house.

It was just in this house.

I sigh, carrying him up the stairs.

He doesn't eat much and yet he is heavy.

Or maybe, it's your lack of upper body strength.

Shut up.

Jordan lifts up his sleepy  face from my shoulder. "Kiki I'm thirsty. Can I go get water?"

"Yeah, buddy." I let him down as he left to the kitchen and I went upstairs to prepare the bed.

That's when it all happened.

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I head into our bedroom room, undoing the linens. Jordan was too scared from the events that happened this year that he would refuse to sleep without me beside him.  I just set the pillows when I hear Jordan scream. I hear heavy footsteps under me and quickly look around the room for a weapon.

I strip a metal wall decor from the wall and run downstairs, going with the flow of my rapid and scared heart. The noises were coming from the kitchen and I run in, hitting two guys who make a grunting sound.

A muffled voice says. "Turn on the lights!"

The lights immediately go on and I freeze as I see 5 men in black all around me, faces completely covered.

They freeze, looking at me then each other.

"Who is she? She wasn't supposed to be here."

Bitch, what? This is my house.

Instead of giving him a smart remark, I run to Jordan, when the men all take out their guns at me.

"Don't even move an INCH", of them says while another grabs Jordan.

I freeze mid way, hands up in surrender.


"Leave my brother alone!", I desperately scream hoping it would do something.


They all look at each other.

"Someone detain her", the guy says while one of his men grabs me.

"Get the fuck off me asshole."

That only makes him hold me harder.

I watch them as they detain Jordan and one of them drags him out of the kitchen.

"WAIT!", I flail. "Wait! Take me. I-I'm healthy,  I can cook, I-"

I run out of reasons.

"Please do not do anything to him he's so little. Take me please."

I put my head down, fighting tears.

How can someone kidnap a little kid like him?

Jordan is the nicest little boy I have ever met.

What could they want from him?

They contemplate it for a moment.

"We can't. We need to follow orders", another man who hasn't spoken yet says.

I take a deep breath and muster up my bad bitch courage. "Either you take me wherever you were going to take him, or you can leave without completing your pshyco boss's orders because he will not leave this house."

I get out of his grasp and run to Jordan, who sticks to me from behind.

The men try to come for me, but their "leader" stops them.

"Let her be", he says. After staying silent he speaks. "Take her instead. Fran, you're staying with the boy."

The man who was holding Jordan prior nods, taking Jordan away from me,

"Don't do anything to him! Please don't hurt him he's my only-"

"We won't hurt him, princess. As long as you behave", the "leader" speaks, a cold and hostile tone lingers in his voice.

"At least let me send him to my aunt, he can't stay here alone he is too young."

"Fran will take care of him. Cover her."

A blindfold covers my vision and my hands and legs get detained in a matter of seconds.

"Kiki! Kiki don't go! ", are the words I hear from a crying Jordan as they pull me out of my own home.

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