The Evil Queen

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Last night when I had returned home, I got a call from Papa telling me about how he had won Lacey back by showing his darker side. It made sense actually; Lacey was basically the opposite of Belle and so it made sense that the thing that attracted Lacey to Papa was his darker side. By darker side, I mean him beating Keith with a cane!

Now that Papa had Lacey back, I had sort of been forgiven but I was now pushed aside as he had no time for me. So I had been spending time with Emma, Bae, Henry and even David and Mary Margaret.

Today, I was with Emma and we were going to go to Granny's to have a drink.

When we walked in, I noticed Tamara standing at the counter. I had no intention of going over and talking to her and neither did Emma. But that plan disappeared when Emma and Tamara accidently bumped into each other, knocking their bags to the floor.

"Ooh!" Emma exclaimed, as she fell. I saw Emma look at her receipt subtly before handing it to her. "I'm so sorry. I'm—he still hates mayo, huh?"

I crouched down to help them pick up their things and was shocked when I found a list of everyone's names from Storybrooke with their counterpart names too.

"Avoids it like the plague," Tamara laughed before snatching the list from my hands.

"How are you doing here in Storybrooke?" I asked Tamara.

"It's a lot to take in," Emma added.

"Understatement," Tamara said before laughing. "But, uh, I guess you know that better than anyone."

"Yeah, I guess that's true. But I had Henry. He got me through it," Emma agreed.

"Right. Yeah, Neal's doing the same for me," Tamara smiled.

"Even so, it's pretty crazy here," Emma continued, causing Tamara to give her a really awkward smile. "If the world found out about this place, do you know what that would mean for Henry or Neal?"

"Look, Emma, you don't have to worry about me. You can trust me," Tamara assured us, but I could see Emma furrowing her eyebrows slightly.

"That's good to know," I replied as Emma hadn't said anything yet.

"Be seeing you later," Tamara smiled.

"Yeah, I'll be seeing you." Emma said.

Tamara then walked passed us both and out of the diner.

"We can't trust her," Emma told me firmly.

"I know," I sighed.

This was going to destroy Bae if he found out that Tamara was actually the person that had killed August and isn't it a bit suspicious that she carries around everyone's names?


Emma and I returned to Mary Margaret's apartment to tell her what we had just discovered.

"I'm telling you, Tamara is the 'she' August was trying to warn us about," Emma said.

"Emma! Shh!" Mary Margaret replied.

"What? Don't 'Emma' me!" Emma said, making me smile.

"Henry is upstairs," Mary Margaret reminded us in a lowered voice. "Look... I know this has been hard for the both of you."

"No. This isn't about us. This is about August. He died trying to warn us about someone—about a woman. 'She.' I'm happy that my brother has found someone but as his sister, it is my job to make sure she is right for him so this is necessary. Tamara can't be trusted and I don't want my brother being stuck with a compulsive liar for the rest of his life," I told them.

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