↳ eight

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And before the class knew it, their training had already begun.

"Nightmare, I think you made a mistake with choosing me a partner."

"Why do you think that, Fujiwara?" Nightmare asked, amused.

"It's just that Yamada isn't exactly communicating well with me. How am I supposed to train if my partner won't even look at me?"

Umiko pointed at Yamada, who was trembling and looking at her feet anxiously.

"That's part of this challenge. Quite often heroes are partnered up with other heroes that they've never met before, and they have completely incompatible quirks, but they still have to find ways to defeat a villain in the face of danger. That's the point of this exercise. I partnered everyone up with someone different to them based on quirk and personality. Every group has a task to complete so they'll need to get past their differences and complete today's task."

"I guess that makes sense..."

"Excellent! Then get moving, Fujiwara, you're already behind the other groups."

She sighed and walked back to her partner.

"Hey, um, so do you want to start looking at what our task is?" she asked the quiet girl.

"S-sure," Yamada mumbled.

They both sat down on the grass and opened the envelope their teacher had given them earlier. Carefully pulling the piece of card out, Umiko carefully began to read it out loud.

"Create a joint ultimate move that uses both of your quirks, and present it by the end of the day. That shouldn't be too hard."

"D-did it say both our quirks? Together?" she squeaked in fright.

"Yeah, it did. We just have to come up with a way to make our quirks work together. Is there a problem, Yamada?"

"I'm sorry for being such a bother," the small girl mumbled, her voice trembling.

"Could you speak up? I can't hear you," Umiko sighed.

"N-nothing. Should we start? You can take the leader, I'm not g-good with ideas and being a leader."

Umiko shrugged. It made no difference to her, she just wanted to get over with this so that they could continue their training. She had to try her best.

"What's your quirk, Yamada?"

"Voice," she said with embarrassment. "I can make my voice really loud and high-pitched, enough to hurt people's eardrums and if I'm loud enough, I can cause some physical damage to things."

"That's an interesting quirk," she thought.

"I don't deserve such a powerful quirk," the girl whispered, but Umiko didn't seem to hear her.

"I don't see how our quirks could be compatible, I can make my hair turn into water and manipulate it to hold things, but how could voice tie into it?"

Yamada didn't reply, instead, she just let Umiko take the lead, too anxious to say anything in the fear of messing up and making a mistake.

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