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The time was ticking away as I watched the robots move from side to side. I passed the time reading messages on my phone, *join our loyalty program, you get new and exciting things like a new car and or phone, or a 1,000,000 dollar check* or *the newest thing you will ever see its a kechmusmayo its ketchup and mustard, mayo* "they must think i'm an idiot". "Eggs Benedict, your job today is to check on circus baby and scoop her today". "I already know that dum machine" "that's not nice" "ok i'm sorry but it's true, when do you think i'm going to get a bonus?" "I'm sorry eggs but i can't say that until it is time" "what time, time for what?" i should get on my tasks now i guess.....

To be continued:

btw the picture is not really good its because my tablet kept lagging so i had to use mah hand for the drawing.......*dies quietly*   

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