the killing

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"Im home---AHHHHHHHH MICHALE WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" "its a......" "i can answer on my own" "THE FUCKING THING TALKED!" "of course i can fucking talk" "language" "WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!" "he........ Is staying over for the night?" "yeah im going home tomorrow" "umm ok?" "Is it ok if Chris has a separate room, i need space like you understand right i'm getting older and i need room...." "Yeah that's fine he can share a room with Charlotte, they can have bunk beds, we'll have fun with your friend and don't be too loud i need to sleep see you both tomorrow" "who is charlotte?" "that's my little sister" "where is she now?" "she's at the house chris is staying at" "oh ok" "well what did you wanna do??" "well.............." "i'm going to bed have fun" "no, get the fuck up i want to do stuff" "what are you going to do?" "i'm going to do the best i can" *if you don't know that quote it's from the nightmare before Christmas* "pftttt" "what are you laughing at!" "pftttt you really had to do that" "STOP FUCKING LAUGHING AT ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!" "sorry asshole" "BE QUIET I'M TRYING TO SLEEP YOU TWO!" "sorry henry" "sorry...." "oh so the evil robot has a nice side" "well i could be a perv" "OH MY GOD NO I SWEAR TO GOD NO" "aww the baby doesn't like that" "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU IN MINECRAFT!" "what-" "I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE!" "what the fuck" "I WILL DESTROY YOUR BLOOD LINE WITH A CROWBAR REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "im leaving, why did i choose you to be my skin suit" "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "yeah im out"..... "I TOLD YOU TO QUIET THE FUCK DOWN---

To be continued:  

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