Chapter Eight - Liam

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Liam decided to go in early and thank Reg for the phone calls. Heh. They were quite literally lifesavers.

When he walked in, there weren't as many people as usual. Mangle was singing her heart out, and when she saw Liam she smiled brightly. Foxy still wasn't out.

Huh. I wonder if she ever performs.

Reg was leaning in his normal place. He looked at Liam.

Hey. You're kinda early, man.

Heh. I know. I fixed Mangle up.

Yeah, I noticed. Good job, man.

Something seemed off. Reg wasn't this quiet. Is something up, Reg?

I'm leaving.


Reg's eyes were glistening. Tomorrow's my last day. The bills are getting too much, man. I gotta find a better job.

Well, I wish you luck. I'm going to miss talking to you every day.

Thanks, man.

Hey, I got a question.


Why doesn't Foxy perform?

She... can't. Something in her mechanism broke. Happened in 2017. Sad, though. She was always my favorite.

Three years? And you didn't do anything about it?

We don't know. But that reminds me, there was something I wanted to ask you.

What is it?

You fixed up Mangle, and I didn't know what to do about that either. You think you could look at Foxy? See if you can get her up and running? One last time?

Liam sighed. Sure, Reg. I'll give it a shot. What happened in 2017?

I don't know, man. Wasn't there. I know it shook Veronica up good. She wouldn't tell me what happened.

Okay. Thanks anyway.

Oh, and can you look at the power? Someone cut it.

Yeah, I noticed, Liam thought. Sure. I'll take a look.

Thanks, man.

_ _ _

Liam examined the power grid. Someone had sliced through all the wires, with some kind of sharp object. Weird. Whoever did this clearly knew what they were doing. But why do it?

There, that should do it. He stepped back, admiring his handiwork.

That's good.

Jesus- He jumped. Bonnie, you gotta stop doing that.

Sorry! You're just so cute when you're flustered.

I'm not sure how to feel about that. He got up to leave. See you tonight, Bonnie.

See you tonight!

As he walked away, he could hear Freya berating her.

_ _ _

Liam was spinning in his chair absentmindedly, thinking. Reg had called already, complimenting him on getting to the fourth night and making a comment about Freya getting impatient.

That was worrying.

He noticed Foxy was out too late.


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