ch. 6

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t r a n q u i l i t y

"what did you do today? did you learn a new dance? what are the other members like? is the food there good? aw man, i really wished i was a trainee."

once again, mingi pulls a chair close to yeona's bed and settles himself in the seat. he leans his body and puts his legs on the desk, making himself comfortable as the patient continues rambling about her curiosity of her visitor's day.

slightly getting annoyed with the female's constant talking, the blonde reaches over to his bag and pulls out some books before handing them to the patient. he averts his gaze to the side while giving his new friend the gift he has prepared.

"i remember you wanting to read some books," he says. "and i happened to have these, so i'm giving them to you now since i don't read them anymore."

yeona's eyes brighten at the familiar titles written on top of each book, clapping her hands together before taking them. she has been wanting these since she has been hospitalized and she finally gets to read them. a bright smile tugs on her lips as she flips through each of them.

the bald female looks over to her awkward friend, the smile still present on her face. "thank you, mingi! i've always wanted to read these!"

while she busies himself with reading, mingi decides to change out the flowers in the room. with a bouquet of sunflowers on the side, he takes out the withering lilies and replaces the water in the vase. he carefully places the yellow flowers into the vase and takes a step back to admire the beauty of the plants.

looking out the window, the idol notices how bright the sun is shining on seoul as the clouds float up high. although he will not admit it out loud, the scenery outside is gorgeous.

and he wants his friend to see it.

"hey yeona," he calls out, which is answered with a small hum. "you want to read outside?"

the patient takes a look out her window before nodding. "it's been a while since i've been out of this room and it looks nice outside."

with that, mingi gets a nurse's permission to take the female outside. the worker assists the bald female from stepping off the bed and into the wheelchair and gives the visitor some information as well as warnings he should know before they allow the two of them to leave the room.

in the hallways, the male notices the different patients wandering the hospital: elders, adults, child, nurses, and doctors. the blue strings are prevalent in his sight as he makes his way to the balcony with the wheelchair in his control. he looks at his string, which is glowing a bright glow despite how thin it is, and he softly smiles at it.

the string he shares with yeona is beautiful.

when they arrive, a gentle breeze kindly greets them as he rolls the wheelchair next to the bench. the both of them sit in silence, appreciating the sound of the busy streets and chattering people from below. the sick female hums a small song as she reads while the other one closes his eyes.

at the moment, there are no songs to be written, no dances to be memorized, no raps to be said...

no expectations.

just two friends spending time together.

and mingi hopes this can continue forever.

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