ch. 9

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o b l i v i o n

"let me see her!"

"i'm sorry sir, but visitors are not allowed! she is in critical condition!"

"she's a strong woman, she can handle herself!"

the doctors frantically call security to help them with this situation, eventually resulting in pinning the blond male against the wall. an angry shout travels through the hallways of the hospital as the victim flails his arms and legs around.

this has been mingi's twenty-second attempt to visit yeona since that day.

the day when yeona was diagnosed with stage iv lung cancer.

outside the emergency room that day, the head doctor had told him that the patient developed a respiratory infection in her lungs while her tumor had exponentially grown quicker than the treatments could suppress. the cancerous cells were slowly spreading to other parts of her body, and they needed to take immediate action before it was too late.

the chances of her surviving at this point was noted to be less than ten percent.

for brief second, the blond male manages to break through the security's forces and press his face against the room's window. the bald female's face is covered with an oxygen mask and her eyes are closed, numerous machines surrounding her. she seems skinnier and paler than their first encounter. instead of a smile, her lips are curved into a sorrowful frown.

his back slams against the wall once more and the sound of muffled screams fill his ears. a weak pulse throbs on his finger, bringing his attention to the blue thread connecting him to his friend.

another string has fallen to the ground, and the color is dimmer than before.

they only have a few days until their death arrives.

frustrated with himself, mingi breaks free from the security's grip again and rushes out of the hospital. he is not sure where he is going, but he trusts his gut and his legs carry him to his desired location. he carelessly pushes the pedestrians to the side and ignore their demands for an apology. when someone grabs his shoulder, the idol returns the gesture with a glare as his hands take the form of fists, which frightens everyone around him.

after a couple of minutes, he arrives at a small library and enters the small building. he quietly opens the door and wanders the bookshelves. his hands glide along the spine of the books as his eyes search for generic titles.

lung cancer.

once he has collected all the books he needs, he settles himself in a secluded area of the library as he places his school belongings on the table. he takes the top book of the pile and opens it, so he can begin his research.

he will find a way to save yeona.

he will find a way to get rid of his illness.

he will find a way to save them from their deaths.

he will find a way to defy this fate of theirs, whether it likes it or not.

but in the corner of his mind, a voice tells him that he will never overcome this obstacle.

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