(S1E1)Mission: P.A.S.T

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A/N: In this world, all Pokémon are capable of standing on their hind legs. Enjoy the read! 

A Jolteon yawned slowly as he hopped out of bed. But, being too tired, he immediately face-planted on the carpeted floor. He looked up from the floor before rubbing his eyes. His sight went from fuzzy to clear as he sat up groggily.

"Oww..." He groaned. "What time is it?" This Jolteon's name was Spark, a fifteen year old extrovert that likes spending his time enjoying life and procrastinating on any assignment or task the he would find tedious. 

"It's noon, Big Bro." His little brother, Aiden replied as he walked into the room.  Aiden was an introverted Eevee, three years younger than his older brother. He was a bit more shy than his outgoing brother.

"Wait... Shouldn't you be at school with Skylar?" Spark asked, looking at him sternly. Aiden looked back at him with confusion before answering.

"School let out early today." The Eevee replied as Spark stood up. "Winter and Skylar headed to the store, too." 

As his younger brother spoke, the Jolteon noticed a black briefcase sitting on the floor nearby. His eyes widened as they darted between Aiden and the case. Spark used one of his legs to push the briefcase under the bed, going completely unnoticed by his brother.

"Close one..." Spark thought to himself, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Is everything okay, Big bro?" Aiden asked, looking up to him. "You look tired, even though you just slept."

"It's no biggie." Spark gave him a smile. He began to walk off, his brother following him. "Just a bad dream."

This... Was called lying.

It had been two years since the incident. The thing that managed to get Spark out of school temporarily, and into a lot of dangerous events. This incident involved the Special Ops Pokémon Agency, or the S.O.P.A.

Two Years Ago...

"What are you talking about?" A younger Spark asked confidently, "This'll work." Spark, a thirteen year old Eevee at the time, was trying to balance as many cupcakes as he could on a bet. The bet was if he balanced up to twenty, he would get twenty dollars. If not, he'd have to pay twenty dollars.

"Do it!" A female Emolga named Izzy encouraged him. She watched in awe, surprisingly interested in how many school-branded cupcakes.

"I'm waiting for my twenty dollars!" A male Pikachu named Ace exclaimed confidently with a smug smile. Spark had currently stacked nineteen cupcakes, and he was ready to jump and stack twenty.

"And here... We... Go!" Spark exclaimed, stacking the chocolate cupcake on top.

"It's... Beautiful..." Ace smiled, looking up to the stack. "All hail the holy stack!" Spark smiled cockily before walking over to Ace.

"Twenty dollars, cash." Spark smiled, holding out a paw. Ace gasped before looking behind Spark. The holy stack was tipping over. In their direction.

"Hit the deck!" Ace shouted before tackling Spark out of the way. The stack of sugary treats fell, and due to the consistency of the chocolate used, the spatter range reached more than three tables down. The whole cafeteria went silent for a few minutes, before a voice of a student sealed Spark, Ace, and Izzy's fate.

"Food Fight!!!"

"Arceus, don't do this please..." Spark begged before cupcakes began being thrown from multiple directions. "Oh we're so in detention...."

A few minutes later, the three found themselves in the principal's office. Spark was holding back a chuckle as he looked at a chocolate-covered Ace.

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