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Hinata's POV

I was on my way to practice, and as per usual I raced Kageyama to the gym. Suga came and unlocked the door for us and we went to change, to get ready for practice. Me and Kageyama started early, until Daichi called us for a team meeting. We all surrounded him, and he told us what was happening.

"So we have a new member!"

Izumi came from behind him.

Izumi came from behind him

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Him ^

"Hey, my name's Izumi Kuroko"

He was so cute! So i ran up to him and hugged me. He was taller than me, like around Yamaguchi's hight, but he hugged back. He gave nice hugs. He was nice, i like him.

3rd person POV

The team liked Izumi already. He told them he was, as well, a middle blocker. He was pretty good at jumping, not as high as Hinata, but a lot stronger. So the impact of the ball was greater, and would be more likely to break through a libero or blocker. Everyone found him fun to be around, and nice. They all complemented him, including the small sunshine boy.

Izumi had been on the team for a few weeks now. Slowly he was gaining attention from the team, and slowly, the team left Hinata behind. Hinata was benched. He complained at first, but he stopped when no one noticed his protests. He was eventually just sitting on the bench.

After he was benched and rarely put in the game, he started bringing his headphones to practice. Its not like people notice him anymore. He started to detach himself from his team. Not that they haven't already done that. But the more he pushed himself away, the more he could focus on himself.

After the team abandoned him, he noticed how poorly he was. He was skinny. Really skinny. So skinny it wasn't healthy. He realized this was because he was to busy practicing, he never ate, and never noticed how hungry he was. He only ate when they got meatbuns after practice. Which isn't healthy. So he started cooking for himself. His mom and Natsu were never home, so he might as well pick up a hobby or two. He started cooking different meals, giving the leftovers to the neighbors, who loved his cooking. He would also sing while cooking. It was another talent Hinata had.

He started to think of quitting the volleyball team. He didn't feel included, and he knew he would be accepted into the cooking and singing club, since two of his close friends attend those clubs. As for the volleyball team, although he loved volleyball. Whats the point in it when he never plays?

After a few days, of getting ignored, he confirmed his club transfer. He talked to his friends, and they said that their clubs would love him. They still need an energetic sunshine to brighten up their day, since it always seems gloomy around their clubs.

The volleyball club would be fine. They have Izumi, and the new power duo. So he wasn't worried.

Izumi's POV (weren't expecting that?)

I had joined the volleyball team, since I played it throughout middle school. I had to transfer here, halfway through the year, since my current care taker had passed away, and their only relative lives here in Miyagi. I went to Karasuno, seeming how popular the school is around here. Its popular for its volleyball. Which sealed the deal.

I met Daichi and signed up for the club. He then introduced me, when a small sunshine came and hugged me. He seems nice. He looked like the energetic type. I hope we can be friends.

But as time progressed, i noticed him get benched, for whole matched at a time. He moaned about it at first, then stopped. I was worried. But then I realized. I watched some tapes from the security cameras to see what happened before i came. My family is extremely rich so I persuaded the principal. He was the one who was always praised, and loved. He seemed close to Kageyama.

I then realized. The team abandoned him. I felt so bad. He left because he felt forgotten. Its a shame, he seemed like a nice friend. I hoped we could be friends, but it seems i wont get that chance anymore. As his personality had already changed.

When i first came, he was loud and cheery, a ray of sunshine. Now hes cold and always listening to music. Around the team anyways. I see him being all happy with his friends in class, so i was glad he was still happy.

I decided that i would talk to him next practice, but that didn't work out...

"Alright! Everyone gather round! I have some good and bad news." - Coach Ukai

"Good news please" - Yamaguchi

"Alright! So we have a training camp at Nekoma. The school there are Nekoma, Aoba Josai, Fukorodani, and Date Tech!" - Coach Ukai

"And the bad news?" - Izumi

"Oh.. Hinata has switched clubs, he is now part of the cooking and singing club. He said sorry, but he wanted to embrace his other talents, as he is currently not progressing in volleyball, since he doesn't practice as much, because the team often ignores him. But we'll see him at camp. His club will be the chefs for the camp." - Coach Ukai

He left... and its my fault...


Okay so, I didn't want to make Izumi an ass. Like ive seen to many, where the new boy is an ass, so i made him a decent human. Im sorry for not posting on some stories. Im currently experiencing a writers block for half of them, so in starting a few more, where my ideas are fresh.

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