Role Model Rapunzel

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Karasuno's POV

Hinata left the team. It was a shock for all of them. But it hit Izumi especially hard. He was the reason he left. He was the reason that Hinata was gone. You could see Kageyama was out of it. He was quiet. He didn't talk to anyone at all. Normally he was bickering with Hinata, but that stopped quite a while ago.

Tanaka and Noya had gone from loud and confident, to quiet and lonely. Their kohai was gone. They knew it was their fault. Noya was only on the team because Hinata made the effort to get him back. They both knew how hard he worked, and they left him in the dust.

Suga didn't even talk to anyone anymore. He knew everyone deserved the guilt trip they're going through. He loved Hinata (as a friend). He was his underclassmen. He was always bright and cheerful, cheering everyone on. They all took him for-granted.

Daichi was stressed. The team was struggling. And no not on the court. They were doing perfectly well there. But it was off the court that worries him. Everyone has become quiet and reserved. It wasn't healthy. They were on a guilt trip, well almost everyone. Suga was just ignoring everyone. I also felt guilty. I knew how excited he was to play all the time. He literally started shaking when i benched him. He didn't know what to do now.

Tsukishima knew what was going on. He saw Hinata's change in behavior. He KNEW this would happen. But he decided to keep to himself. Why should he help anyone else. Now he only feels regret. He didn't know that if Hinata left, everyone would become so gloomy. He wished he told everyone what was happening. Because he too felt a lot more tension throughout the gym, without the small middle blocker making a big fuss over everything.

Yamaguchi was sad. He didn't like seeing everyone so unhappy, especially the team that was always so happy and energetic. But what could he do to help? He was to shy to step up and help out, so he kept to himself, praying everything would go back to normal.

Kinoshita, Narita and Ennoshita were also sad Hinata was gone. Sure they didn't talk to him much, but they enjoyed watching him making the team so happy. Its devastating that Hinata left. And they hoped everyone would revert back to their old selves. But that might not be the case.

And finally Izumi. He was so sad. He was guilty, and he felt responsible. He was the reason Hinata left. Hinata was gone. He had left because he replaced him. He knew Hinata was a big pillar of the team. He affected everyone greatly. Even if it was just with his presence. He hated that he took that happiness away from not only the team, but also Hinata. He would apologize as soon as could, he would make it up to Hinata! No matter what!

Aiko's POV

Hinata just made us clean up. He's like a bossy wife. He would make a good wife actually. He kinda acts like one. He's amazing at taking care of Natsu, he cooks amazingly, he's got a cheerful presence and he can literally force us to do anything just with his piercing glare. One thing i had learned, dont mess around with him. Be has an impeccable control over his emotions. He normally stays happy and cheerful, but if he has to, he will become so angry he will end up getting a frying pan and beating you until you pass out just like Rapunzel and Flynn. (Get it?)

I saw him do it to someone who was talking smack about Dai-chan. I could feel the bloodlust spilling out his pores. And then he pulled a frying pan out his bag, and hit him until he passed out. He had to wear a bandage on his head for a week after that. But the question is, why does he carry a frying pan? Is Rapunzel his role model or something like that? Well im not complaining. That guy deserved it. No one talks smack about my baby.

702 words.

Okay so im sorry I haven't posted. I was in a bad mood. My OiHina 9k word story had deleted all its history. I was around half way done and i was pissed. I will rewrite it, but ive lost a lot of motivation to write it now. Anyways i hope you like the newest chapter. I realized i messed up when it came to Ai-chan and Dai-chan. I said Dai-chan was in the singing club when I introduced him and then put him in the cooking club. Im sorry about that. Ive fixed it now though. Anyways have a good day/night!

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