Caramel Apples

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You can happily skip, you probably know the ship from last chapter. But....

IZUAIHINASUKE WON!! I hope yall are happy with it. Sorry to anyone who was hoping for another ship, but the majority vote wins!


3rd POV

School had just ended, and Hinata is currently walking to his house with 3 boys. Izumi, Daisuke and Aiko. And they're all glaring at each other. Well more like Aiko and Daisuke vs Izumi. And Hinata is waddling along in between all of them.

Izumi quickly pulled Hinata into a back hug, grabbing his waist and putting his head on Hinata's shoulder. You could hear an audible growl come from Aiko. Aiko pulled Hinata away from Izumi and hugged him, placing his hands on his ass and having his face over Hinata's shoulder. Hinata is currently blushing a red redder than Tendo's red hair.

That was when Daisuke, our cinnamon roll, had decided to snatch Hinata from Aiko and give him a piggy back ride. They both ran away from the pair of perverts at fill speed. They were giggling like crazy.

"Pffft- Dai-chan! Slow downnn!" - Hinata

"No way! If i do that they'll catch us!" - Daisuke

They were both full on cackling by now. Bystanders were looking at them like they were the plague. And none of them noticed by they had indeed made their way BACK to school. And now was when the Volleyball team had extra practice. Most of the team attended accept the forgotten 2nd years and Izumi.

Hinata and Daisuke were now at the school gates laughing like crazy. Aiko and Izumi soon caught up with them. Izumi was panting like crazy and Aiko collapsed on the floor due to him being a lazy mother fu-

"Aiko! Are you okay!?" - Hinata

Hinata ran up to Aiko and sat beside him. Thats when Aiko pulled Hinata on top of him and kissed is forehead, treating him like a teddy bear. Aiko softly hugged Hinata and the floor and Hinata leaned into Aiko's touch. They were literally cuddling on the floor like hobos without a home.

"Ahem" - Daisuke

Aiko glared and both Izumi and Daisuke. One that said 'If you even THINK of ruining this i will go to your house and kill your whole family' They both looked away and Aiko grinned to himself.

Hinata found himself getting sleepy and fell asleep on Aiko. I dunno how you fall asleep that fast but roll with it.

Izumi and Daisuke saw Hinata and "awwwed" at him. Aiko softly petted his hair. Finding out finally that his hair wasn't knotty it was just big and poofy and soft. When he found out it was soft he dug his face in Hinata's hair, enduring Hinata's smell or caramel apples. He was enjoying himself while the other 2 glared at him in jealousy.

"What the actual fuck is going on here?" - ???



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