Rotten Orange

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3rd POV

"SIGHHHH what do we do now?" - Aiko

"Umm, did you really forget about us? Im literally the captain of this club. I know where we're going." - Chiyo

"And that is exactly why we need Shōyō" - Daisuke

"Yea, he does need to come with us hes also part of the-"
- Chiyo

"No, for directions." - Daisuke

"HEY! Whats that supposed to mean?!" - Chiyo.

"What he means is that you suck at directions." - Ezume

"HEY! Your supposed to be on my side, and says who? im amazing at directions." - Chiyo

"Yea because the supposed "short cut" you took led us to having a whole tour of the local MOUNTAINS CHIYO" - Ezume
(True story in my life-)

"HEY! You can't complain! You literally got a perfect picture of the sunset and its up on your fucking wall!" - Chiyo

"OH MY GOD SHUT UP! Give me the map, ill find where we need to be. Obviously we need to prepare the food for tonight. There's a lot of people."
- Ezume

"What about Shōyō..?"
- Daisuke

"Simp." - Aiko

- Daisuke

"Sounds like something a simp would say." - Aiko

"Thats sus" - Chiyo

"Shut up Chiyo." - Ezume

"YOU SHUT UP" - Chiyo

"I don't take orders from a chocolate bar." - Ezume

"Shut up! Blueberry." - Chiyo

"Blueberries dont give people diabetes." - Ezume

"Bu-" - Chiyo

- Iko

"..." - Ezume

"..." - Chiyo

"Great, can we please move now? I wanna sleep" - Aiko

"Shut up, you could've in the bus." - Daisuke

"No, i couldn't, because you all sang like the end of the world was approaching." - Aiko

"Shut up, you were also singing." - Daisuke

Aiko glared at Daisuke , and sighed. Aiko snatched the directions from Chiyo.

"HEY-" - Chiyo

"Okay, were staying in the empty classroom in that building." - Aiko

He pointed to the only fucking building on the campus.

"Well no shit sherlock. How long did it take you to figure that out?" - Ezume

"Fuck off, you fucking blueberry looki-" - Aiko

"Oh my god, shut the fuck up. Lets go." - Daisuke

Daisuke snatched the map and walked away sighing and mumbling a small "dumbasses.." while doing so.

POV Switch [Kenma&Hinata]

Kenma and Hinata settled in the Nekoma sleeping quarters. Futons decorated 3/4 of the floor. They sat on Kenmas futon playing animal crossing.

"So... why aren't you in the volleyball club anymore?"
- Kenma

"... Uh.." - Hinata

"Oh.. You don't have to tell me if you dont want to.." - Kenma

"No, no! Ill tell you.." - Hinata

And so Hinata proceeded to tell Kenma the whole story, from start to finish. [Im lazy okay?]

"Dumbasses..." - Kenma

"Pfft, Kenma chill. I love the cooking and singing club. Relax. Its not like i have a grudge against them. Plus, i still like everyone there. I just never talk to them." - Hinata

Hinata shrugged, and returned his attention to the game in his hands. It was a little worn down, but it was Kenmas old switch, he kept it so Hinata could play with him. Although he never lets Hinata have it alone. The last time he trusted Hinata with the remote to his TV alone, somehow 5 of the buttons fell off, and the off button didn't work anymore. So he collectively decided to never let Hinata use an electronic ever again.

"Mhm... You say that, but you almost broke the screen from tapping to hard. Thats what i call 'NoT BoThErEd'" - Kenma

"Fuck off, Im not. Your delusional." - Hinata

"Am i? Or are you stupid."
- Kenma

"I hate you." - Hinata

"You love me." - Kenma

"I do. And its your fault."
- Hinata

Kenma flipped his hair and winked at Hinata jokingly. Hinata laughed.

"Your such a dork." - Hinata

"Thats only your opinion. Plus you're the only one who has seen me like this... except Kuroo.." - Kenma

"Ooh la la~" - Hinata

"Shut up you rotten orange."
- Kenma

- Hinata

"Sure sure, whatever." - Kenma


If you could be besties with someone from an anime, who would it be? [Phichit]

HI, have i returned from the grave? No. Im dead inside, but whatever. I hope yall are being patient with this story, although i understand how if your not- anygays. goodbye.

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