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3rd POV

"By the way Shōyō..?"


"You're in the cooking club right?"


"Aren't you meant to like... cook?"


Kenma let out a giggle, and softly punched Hinata's arm.

"You dumbass.."

"SHUT UP, i forgot okay."

"Pfft okay. You need to move it rip off peach."



Hinata jumped and scurried his way out the Nekoma sleeping quarters, tripping over Lev and Kuroos pillows in the process, earning obnoxious laughs from Kenma.

He ran towards what he assumed was the kitchen, from all the clanking of pots and pans coming from the top floor of the school.

He approached the stairs and made a big sigh of exhaustion.

"Why is there so many FUCKING stairs in this building!?"

He sighed, and ran up the stairs, stopping now and again to wheeze out a breath of exhaustion every time he made it up a flight.

He quickly realized he lost his stamina. I guess eating food all the time takes a toll on him. He was always an easy weight person. He was always kept on a strict diet when he was an athlete, but now that title was revoked, so was his diet.

He was at the last flight of stairs when he bumped into someone.

Hinata's POV

Great, i needed that. ANOTHER distraction when im half an hour late to preparing of food. In which might be done soon, and Chiyo is going to scold me for being late AGAIN.

I sigh and get up, dusting myself off.

"Sorry. I should've watched where i was going.. Im late to my club, and my president is gonna shout at m-"

"Hinata Shōyō"

My head shot up.

Ushijima Wakatoshi

"O-oh. Ushiwaka.. hello.."

"Hello. Why aren't you at the gym practicing with your team?"

"Um.. im not in the volleyball club anymore.."

"Oh.. then why are you here?"

Hmph. Rude much?

"Um, im apart of the cooking club.."

"Oh.. That cooking club that came to prepare the food?"


"Hm, Okay. You need to go. The cooking club is almost finished. I overheard them speaking about only steak needing to be prepared"

"OH, CRAP. Bye Ushiwaka! Ill see you at dinner!"

3rd POV

Hinata raced up the stairs, and tripped on a step when he finally made it to the top. He quickly scurried up and ran towards the kitchen.

He pushed open the doors and a large bang emitted through the room.



Then it hit him.

He didn't walk into the kitchen, he walked into the gym. [Dont come for me. There are 3 gyms in the building. One is on the top floor. Shut up]



Who would you meet in an anime just so you can kill them? [Myne]

HELLO YELLOW, it is I, your mother. Anygays, i suck at updating. I had a schedule like 3 months ago. It was all sorted. Now i dont care. Since im lazy. Welp, hope y'all enjoyed

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