Chapter 2

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"Why is he looking?" Ron said. We were in the library getting some books for Hermione.

"No clue" I replied. When I looked over, my eyes had locked on his, grey and full of regret, but Ron didn't need to know. My head was still foggy from last night. I guess that Advil didn't help.

"I think we have enough books, we should go now," said Ron,

I could tell he wanted me to get away from him. Like Ron knew something that he didn't want me to know. Who was this boy? He was already walking out the door, I didn't know this boy but as I stared and he stared at me I felt as if I had known him for forever. My whole life. Like I had looked into those eyes before. This stupid blonde haired boy was so familiar, yet I had never seen or talked to him before. I stumbled out the door taking one last glance.

"Ron?" I needed to know...

"Yes Ollie"

"Who is that boy, you know the one who kept looking at us?" I knew he was only looking at me.

"Oh Malfoy. Ya, you do not want to get in his way. He's an ass."


"Just stay away from him" What Ron said was annoying, I knew I should but I felt the need to know him. I wanted to look into those eyes again. He could hear the pain in my voice. "Are you ok?" He said

"Ya I'm fine, my head still hurts from last night though."

I had totally forgotten what happened the previous night. All I remember was it was a party for me. I'm new to Hogwarts. I used to go to Old Creek School of Magic and Wizardry, but after my father passed we decided we needed a change of pace. So we moved here. I'm a fourth year so it was fine that I transferred. I met Ron a week before school started at platform 9 ¾ and he introduced me to all of his friends. People call them the Golden Trio. I don't know why. Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I like all of them a lot. After I got sorted into Hufflepuff, I sat down next to this boy Cedric. He's my best friend, and he's literally the funniest, loving boy I know.

He was so sweet and suggested we should throw a party for me. Of course the Golden Trio was invited and a bunch of the other kids. This one girl, Luna who I met at the party was oddly strange but so intriguing. I liked her. She wasn't as crazy as the others. Cedric's the one who gave me all of my nicknames that people call me here. In Old Creek I went by just Oliva but now I am known as Liv, and Ollie (my favorite) and Cedric's personal name for me is Pumpkin. This is because of my orange eyes. Rare they say but beautiful.

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