Chapter 7

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Draco's POV:

"Calm down, it's just me," I said to her. I knew she would recognize my voice.

"God damn it Draco." Olive replied, laying her arms on my chest. She looked so pretty under the moonlight, just like last time. Her brown wavy hair blowing in the wind. Her eyes sparkled. She was perfect. I wanted her all to myself. Stop thinking about her like that, she's nothing to you, just a stupid Hufflepuff. Her breathing had started to slow down.

"What are you doing out so late, anyway?" Taking my mind off of what I was thinking. She should be in bed by now. "Last time I checked it was 11:00 pm, so why the hell are you out so late by yourself Olive?" I sounded over protective. I mean I wanted to be.

"Thats none of your business,"

""I've saved you once and I guess I have to do it again, maybe even bring you to Snape?"

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh yes I would, so how about you tell what's going on here," If she didn't want to tell me, she would receive the punishment. Simple as that.

"God fine, you're such a pain in the ass, ya know, maybe Ron was right about you!"

"I don't care what Ron thinks, now tell me" His words did hurt a little but I'm not weak. I was getting angry that she was stalling so much.

"Why can't I have my own life"


"Wait what do you mean you'll save me again?" There it was with the stalling again.


"Fine, Ron wanted to meet me here, so he could, you know, ask me to the dance." So Rons into her. Makes sense. But ever since that night we kissed, I've been watching her. And I wanted that stupid little Hufflepuff. And seeing her under the moonlight again didn't help. And If I couldn't get her no one can. I still didn't want her going anywhere, and then it hit me.

"It's still getting late, I don't want you out here all by yourself."
"Whatcha gonna do about it then," She said, poking my arm playfully. She was getting on my nerves,


"Yes Draco?"

"Will you go to the dance with me" If she said yes there would be no reason for her to go to Ron. Olive would already have a date and we could go back inside. It was far too cold out here. All I wanted to do right now would be to cuddle her by the fire until we fall asleep. I knew she didn't like me. She couldn't even remember that kiss. I needed to get her out of my mind and this plan was not helping, I'm a slytherin I remind myself.

"WHAT!" she yelled...

Oh god. Maybe this wasn't my best idea...

My Little OliveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora