Chapter 5

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Olivas pov:

Me and Hermonie and Luna are hanging out in the common room in the morning, it wasn't hard to sneak her in. We were just talking about the test when I hear over the loudspeaker

"Oliva Davis to the main office right away!"

I knew it was my school schedule. Everyone else had already started classes, but I didn't get my schedule yet so I couldn't attend class. It was kind of nice. I got to explore the school when no one was around. I did a lot of thinking as well. Read a few books and looked at the stars every night. I had the perfect view. I was done with it though and ready to start. I hope I get good classes. I walk to the main office and look over it quickly before they told me to head to breakfast. I walked over to the great hall and sat down by Cedric.

"Lets see it" I handed it over to him. His mouth was full with bacon. "Well you have the third period with me which is great...but you have Snape first period. He is harsh, so try to get on his good side. Otherwise it looks good."

"Great!" I sigh in relief.

After breakfast Cedric offers to walk me to my first period. You got this, I say to myself as I walk in and everyones already in their seats. Everyone was looking at me as I stood there. I glanced around looking for some familiar faces. I hadn't gotten the chance to show the Golden Trio my schedule yet. So I was happy when I saw Ron and Harry sitting down.

"Looks like we have a new student today,?" Snape askes. I had completely forgotten about him with my friends and everything.

"Your name please,"

"Oliva," I responded. He's scarry...

"Oliva who?"

"Oliva Davis" I feel like he already hates me...

"Well Ms. Davis... you need to take a seat." I glance around and there is only one seat left. "Looks like you will sit but Mr. Malfoy. Malfoy, grab Davis a book." Oh god, of course it's Draco.

"Yes sir" says Draco.

"Sir?" Ron raises his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Weasly." Snape says.

"May I sit with Oliva. She's new and I can show her what we're doing?"

"Fine switch Potter with Davis, but just for today." As much as I wanted to talk to Draco I was kinda realived. Harry was giving Ron a dirty look as he walked over to the desk in the back.

"Here," Says Draco giving me the book that Snape asked him to get. We locked eyes again. Ron looked at me.

"Go away Malofy." He said.

After class I takes me a little bit longer to get all my books packed, there's a lot of them. Ron says he has to go and waves. I'm the last one in the classroom, until I hear a voice.

"So...your real name is Olivia?" It's Draco.

"I don't know what youre talking about, I've never talked to you until today?"

"We talked at the party, don't you remember?"

"That nights a blur."

Draco's pov:

It had been only the next day after the party. I hadn't thought about her after last night until I was at the library. I was looking for some books when I saw her with Ron. Yes Ron, I don't like him. He's friends with Harry, anyone who's friends is not the person I want her to be hanging out with. Then they saw me looking and I could see Ron whispering to her about me. I glared at Ron and then looked at Her, in her eyes once more since that night. I wanted her, I needed to know her. As she looked back I could tell she was thinking the same thing. She left with Ron and I decided I needed some fresh air.


I had been sitting in the back of Snape's class because of my father, I quite liked it back there.

I was finishing up some old homework when the door opened and a girl walked in. It was her, she was quiet for a while looking around for her friends, and of course Ron and Harry were there so they waved.

"Looks like we have a new student today,?" Snape askes.

"Your name please,"


"Oliva who?"

"Oliva Davis" She said. So her name is Oliva, I knew it wasn't pumpkin.

"Well Ms. Davis... you need to take a seat." There's only one seat left by me, I was kinda happy for her to sit by me, maybe I could get to know her sober self.

"Looks like you will sit next to Mr. Malfoy. Malfoy, grab Davis a book."

"Yes sir" I stand up and walk towards the closet where the books are.

"Sir?" Ron raises his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Weasly." Snape says.

"May I sit with Oliva. She's new and I can show her what we're doing?"

"Fine switch Potter with Davis, but just for today." Of course Ron switching Oliva with Harry is 'awesome' for me. This is why I hate Ron. Now I have to sit by the one and only Harry friken Potter. At least it's only for one day

"Here," I walk over to her desk and give her a book. We both stare at each other until Ron interrupts.

"Go away Malfoy." He said. I go back, but I can't keep my eyes off her.

"Draco..." Harry said waving his hand in front of my face. I guess I was staring. After class once everyone leaves but Oliva I walk up to her.


"That nights a blur." Oliva says. How can that night be a blur. She's the one who stared at the stars and then kissed me!

"Oh Ok," I was a little hurt, but she couldn't know that. "Want some help?"

"Im fine, you can leave now" She can't treat me like this. No one does. It's annoyingly attractive though. I ignore her comment.

"You know, I'm gonna need a nickname for you, considering after today's class you will be sitting by me again."

"Um ok...Malfoy"

"Call me Draco, I think we're on first name basses."

"Ok Draco what do you want to call me?"

"Liv, no...Oliv, not good either."

"People call me ollie?"

"It's ok, It could be better"

"Well thxs" She says laughing

"Ollie, hmmm..."

"Sooo..." she says.

"OMG Olive, It's perfect!"

"Thats stupid, you can't call me that! Not after food"

"Well someone you know calls you pumpkin, so"

I whisper in her ear 'bye olive' and walk out the door.

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