Chapter 8

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I didn't know what to say. I mean it was Draco for god sake. I've barely even talked to him. I was on my way to Ron and I didn't even know if I was going to say yes to him; let alone Draco Malfoy. How could I go with Draco. It was too stressful. I felt like crying, I needed to leave. So I ran,

"Oliva wait!" He said his voice was fading. I didn't know where I was going. I just ran. I had already missed the time I was supposed to meet up with Ron. After a while, I stopped by a clearing by the woods. I layed down and looked up at the sky.

"Dad, I miss you a lot." Tears were slowly running down my cheeks. "I wish you were here with me, I need you, and I don't know what to do." I was crying by now. And so I laid there and thought. I thought about things. About Draco and Ron. How I missed my dad.

"I know that if you were down here you would do what you always do" I laughed a little. "You would wipe away my tears, and lay besides me." I said to the sky staring at that one star. Bright as it has ever been. "And you would stay there, right by me and talk. Talk about whatever I wanted until I was better. I remember when my pet fish had died. And I couldn't stop crying that night. So you told me to go outside and look at the stars. And we picked one out for my fish; bubbles, together. You laid besieged me as we looked up. And then you said 'One day I will be up there, free. And I will shine so bright you can never forget where I am. And whenever you need me, you will know that I am there, up in the sky.' Well dad you were right, you are always shining bright. I remember that like it was yesterday. And since then that was our thing, and I've never stopped looking up." I had stopped crying and when I got up I realized it was starting to turn to dawn. I had calmed myself down and was ready to go back. I had to apologize to Ron for everything. I'm sure he would understand. All I knew was that Draco wanted to go with me and I needed to make a decision. Fast. When I walked back inside to my dorm Ron was on my bed. Oh god...


"I'm so sorry Ron, you don't get it, Draco came and asked me and then I got distracted and the next thing I knew the sun was rising. Im sorry."

"I get it Oliva, you're in love with him. I see the way you look at him. Don't you think i've noticed,"

"You think i'm in love with him. Out if all people for god's sake it's DRACO MALFOY, I can't believe you right now!"

"You're the one who left with him at the party! He was grinding on you while you danced! So, tell me what the hell you two are then!"

"I what!!"

"YA You too are being way too close with him, you might have just fucked him on that dance floor, and I get it he's hot and I'm the ugly one!"

"I'm done with this, get out, NOW!, I don't like Malfoy! But he did ask me to the dance so maybe I might just go with him"


"YA he did, and I said yes!" I lied

"Fuck you," Ron screamed. I hated him. I was the one trying to fix everything. He didn't even give me a chance to explain myself. He didn't have to do that. And I was way too drunk to even know what I was doing at that party! So don't come into my room to tell me I'm in love with Draco Malfoy, when you're the crazy one. I had to go talk to Draco. Maybe I could save one of these relationships. I ran to Dracos rooms. I needed to tell him everything! I knocked on the door and no one answered. The door was unlocked so I walked in.

"WHAT THE HELL DRACO!" I was on the verge of tears,

"Oliva it's not what it looks like!" He said. But it was what it looked like. How could he do this. I had already lost Ron, and Draco was the only one left. I ran back to my room and cried. I hated my life right now. Why did it have to be tonight! I needed to take a break from talking or seeing people. So this week I skipped all my classes. I even missed my big test in Snape's class. I couldn't dare look at Draco or Ron, and Draco was my potions partner.

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