Chapter 3

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Draco's Pov

Her eyes were locked into mine. I couldn't help it. Her orange eyes were mesmerizing. I needed to talk to her, last night was, I don't even know.

I still remember last night like it was yesterday. Oh wait it was yesterday. You get the gist,



I sat down with Crabbe and Goyal.

"DRACO!?" yelled Pansy across the table at lunch, I hated her. Hate is a strong word. I disliked her. "Dracoo...get your ass over here!"

"What do u want!" I groaned as I was starting to walk toward her, she was getting on my nerves. She always does...

"There's a party tonight in the Hufflepuff common room, I suppose you will not be attending, you know because of the detention you have with Snape?" I already wasn't planning on going. I again "disliked" Hufflepuff's, and being in a room full of them sounded stupid. They just are too happy and the complete opposite of Slytherin. But now that Pansy was talking about it for no reason, I thought I might have to go so I can have some fun and mess around at the party.

"You're right, I'm not going" I lied. "My detention is going to be so long and boring,"

"Well you deserve it and I wouldn't want you to interrupt my DATE. At the party!" 

"Jesus Pansy, can't you see I have better things to do then be talking to you." I walked away so she could not bother me anymore. She looked pissed,


She's always had a major crush on me since the first year and loves to tell me about her "love life" to try and make me jealous. It never works. I wasn't that hungry so I grabbed an apple and headed back to my room.

Later that night I had told my Father about the detention Snape had given me. He was furious. I think he might have anger issues. I told him how It wasn't my fault, and it was my partner who blamed me. Of course he took care of it. Like he always does. He was going to have me switch seats in the back so I don't need to sit next to that guy. I got my own table, and I was free to go to that party. I was kind of excited, I had not been to a party in months. Even if it was Hufflepuffs, could it be so bad?

Olivas pov:

*Knock Knock Knock...

I was doing my makeup when I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Come in," I said. In walked Cedric. I told you to be ready by now, he said looking at the oversized t-shirt I was in. Yes it had a few stains.

"If you want me to get ready faster, help pick out an outfit for me." I replied, still doing my makeup.

"Fine" He walked over to my closet picking out a black spaghetti strap, crop top and the matching skirt. "I think this will look fab on you." He said doing those hand flick things. I love when his gay self comes out. Ced came out to me as bi last week, so I love when he acts like himself.

"You're joking right?" I said. I didn't want people to think I was like a stripper or something. It was only my first party at Hogwarts.

"I think you will look hot in it, maybe we can both pick up some boys? OMG we can be each others wing man!" We both fell to the floor laughing. "Put it on we're going to be late, and you can't be late to your own party."

"Ugh fine..." I quickly got dressed and we walked towards the common room where the party was. You could hear the music booming from outside the door. "And so it begins"

We walked in...

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