Chapter 11

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Oliva POV:

I was still very sleepy when I woke up. I yawned, looking over at Draco. He was such a cute sleeper. I was debating whether I should wake him up or not. I decided to let him sleep in. It was a Saturday so it was fine. I laid him on my chest and started playing with hair. I learned last night that he loved this. Eventually he slowly opened his eyes, he smiled when he saw me.

"Good morning sunshine," I said to him,

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"Good morning sunshine," I said to him,

"Good morning," Draco said in his sleepy voice. Deeper than ever.

"How did you sleep?"
"Good,'' he said," He closed his eyes again. I could tell he likes when I'm playing with his hair.

"I have a question," He said to me. His eyes were still closed.

"Are you still going to the dance with Ron?"
"No I am not, why do you ask?"
"Because I wanted to go with you," His voice was still deep.

"What are you asking?"

"If you wanted to go with me,"



"I would love to," I saw him smile.

"You can go back to sleep now," I new he was still tired

"Mkay," And he fell asleep in my arms.


Me and Draco had been spending a lot of time together this past week, Draco helped catch up on the school work I missed, I got half credit for missing my test with Snape. I still didn't talk to Ron, and Harry. Harry was mad at me for hanging out with Draco. Cedric and Hermione were my only friends now. I don't even know what me and Draco were. But I did like him. It was October 30, 1 day before the Halloween dance. Of course I was going with Draco. People thought It was weird for a hufflepuff and slytherin to hang out. But for us it was normal.


Me and Draco were walking to potions class. He always walked me to class, even if we didn't have the same class that period. 

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Draco asked.


"Why the look?"

"I'm scared,"


"Because last time I went to a party I was very drunk and probably didn't some stupid shit, that I didn't even remember!?" He laughed

"I remember that night,"

"Shut up!" I laughed. I still didn't know what had happened that night.

"You'll be fine, I'll be with you to make sure you don't get wasted, even though it's is very funny when you do"

"Thanks," I said sarcastically, as we walked into class

We sat down and started to brew a new potion. Draco left to go get the ingredients, when I saw Ron walk up to me. Me and Ron had not talked since that night we kissed.

"Do you need something," I said,

"Can we talk?

"Fine, where?" I was annoyed.

"Meet me in the bathroom in 5," He said

"Mkay," Draco had gotten back with the stuff and we started when I looked at the clock. I had to go, I raised my hand.

"Sir, can I go to the bathroom?" I was hoping he didn't say what he also said.

"Well can you?" Snape said. I saw Draco roll his eyes.

"May I.."


"Thanks," I walked out and into the boys laboratory. Luckily no one was there but Ron.


"Yes Ron?"

"Come here,"


"Are you dating Malfoy?"

"Um, why do you care?"

"Just so I could see if this was ok," He grabbed my ass and locked lips with me. He was good at kissing but I still didn't like him and kissing him was not going to change that. 


"What?" He said, trying to take off my shirt. Thank god there were a lot of buttons.

"Are you serious!'

"You're not dating Malfoy so what's the issue?"

"The issue is Ill beat your ass bitch" It was Draco. Ron laughed. "You wanna go, cause I will drag you." Draco walked up to Ron and punched him in the face. "Don't mess with her cause lets get one thing fucking clear, she's not your bestie, not your bitch. Not your hoe, she is my bitch!" Draco grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up so that my legs were wrapped around him and started to make out with me. He was aggressive and not as soft as Ron witch I liked. His tongue was in my mouth. God he was good at it. I could smell his cologne. It was strong, but smelled so good.

"Draco, what are you doing," I said in between kisses. He looked around and saw that Ron was gone.

"Oh baby I'm just starting," He took me over to the counters and sat me down on the counter. Forcing my legs to unwrap from his body. And he went to lock the bathroom door so know one would come in. He started kissing down my neck, leaving huge marks. I moaned softly.

"You like that baby?" I don't say anything back. But yes, It was amazing. He moved down further to my chest. I moaned again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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