Chapter 2: Daniel in the pit of lions

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The loud metal rambling outside. Disrupting the idyll of peaceful sleep, it broke into the quiet of the summer morning. Literally. Daniel woke up with a start as a giant. Steel. Ball. Wrecked into his apartment. Yet another hole was made, in addition to one from the previous night, now covered by a thin blanket hung from the ceiling. And right on top of the ball, holding onto the chain, stood the very reason of the dead teen's current misery. The same idiot in a stupid white cylinder.

"Good morning, my good friend!" Mephisto exclaimed, jumping down. "I hope you have packed your things."

"WHAT THE HELL, YOU BASTARD!" Danny yelled, jumping from his bed.

The guest got a look at the kid's naked torso. Jeez, the guy had plenty of scars. Noticing the look the demon was giving him, Phantom put on the T-shirt on the nearest chair, giving another glare.

"I'm not into guys. Frick off," Danny grumbled, putting on the jeans as well.

"Pfft, it will technically be..."

"Shut up. I am hearing none of this from you. I thought you mentioned coming with a bulldozer."

"They won't let me rent it," Mephisto grumbled, crossing his hands, "Nonetheless, it is even more fun. Wrecking ball is so much better."

"And you came here to talk because..."

"Well, you are in the way of this little beauty. Hurry up!"

The unwanted guest clapped his hands, and the machine prepared to go for another round.

"There are other people here!" Phantom exclaimed.

"You sure? Have you actually seen anyone here?"

The boy was about to respond, but then recalled that the place was barren, if one was not to count a couple of workers...

"They work for you, do they not?"

The demon obviously caught on to the implication, "Why yes. Now, if you don't mind, pack everything in a bindle or whatever and be out. Unless," a fanged grin came on the man's face, "You want to take me on my word and actually join the party. It will be fun, I promise."

To be honest, Phantom had had a tiny sliver of hope that the man would not go to the very end. But here he was, standing amidst a destroyed apartment, listening to the ball destroying even more of the hotel destined to be ruined from day one. It was all his luck. You would think that not being vaporised by an accident would actually mean that Lady Fortune was on his side, but no. The boy had long since learned a valuable life lesson, which went along the lines of  "Hope for luck, taste the muck". That's why Danny thought that it was foolish to even consider a fortunate outcome. And boy. Was Mephisto a persistent one.

"You are not going to give up," Danny said matter of factly.

"Nope. Look, what do you expect me to do with the knowledge of you? No Demon King ever strived for other's place."

"There is a first time for everything. If not you, then it would be someone else."

"Oh, please, only me and Lucifer can do that. And the latter... I don't have a clue where he is. Unless you aren't as powerful as you claim..."

Danny looked at a distance. "I am, I know it. But as long as I am not entirely demon everything will be alright."

"Oh, what's so bad in it? I am one."

"One annoying otaku without understanding of personal space," Phantom grumbled, before sighing, "If I have to wear that stupid uniform the first thing I do after that is murder you."

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