Chapter 2

13 2 4

author's note: sorry the chapters are so inconsistent in length hahaha. It will get better ;)

Freddie Erickson

By the time it was time to leave for the dress rehearsal, I was all ready to sneak out of the house. My hand was already on the door handle. You might be wondering why I'm sneaking out. Well-

"Fredricka Charlotte Erickson!" My mom yelled.

That's why.

I turned around slowly. 
"Yes, mom?"
"I know you don't think you're wearing that shirt in PUBLIC."
"Mom!" I groaned.
"Where did you even get that?!" She cried.
"Jada is letting me borrow it-" I began.
"Of course she did. I'm beginning to think she's a bad influence, Fredricka."
"Mom, it's just a little cropped!"
"Just a little?!?! You may as well walk out with no shirt on!"
I rolled my eyes. There was honestly nothing wrong with my shirt. It hardly showed a strip of skin.
My mom was just the strictest person I know. 
"Come with me," she said stiffly upstairs. I followed her into my room where she went into my closet. A few seconds later she came out holding something in her hands.
"Mom! That's the ugliest shirt I've ever seen!"

It was a brown, long sleeved, button up shirt that looked like it would go down to my knees.

"It was a gift from your grandmother! Now drop the attitude and wear it if you want to that wedding." She left with the shirt.

I groaned, looking at the monstrosity that was being forced to wear. But I had no choice.

Preston Fuller

I got the text from Jada almost immediately after I finished setting up the actual  table I sent back,

"don't worry, the only people here are Jazz's friend and Ben's family."

I looked up to see someone walking towards me. Then I realized who it was.

It was Jonah, Ben's younger brother. He's around my age and we've met a couple times at Jada's house.

I sort of forgot he existed, so once I saw him I was a little disappointed. I thought for sure I'd meet a girl at the wedding tomorrow. I had it all planned out in my head like a dork (Don't judge me).

But when I saw Jonah I knew exactly who all the girls would gravitate towards. Could you blame them? Curly blonde hair, blue eyes. Obviously spends every waking minute at the gym. 

Anyways, crushed dreams aside…

I waved when I saw him walking over.

"Hey man," I said as he stopped in front of the table. He had a good three inches on me, and I'm considered tall.

"Hey, Preston, right??" 

"Yeah. Jonah, right?"

He nodded.

"Do you know where anyone is? I thought this thing was supposed to start a few minutes ago."

"It was, everyone's running late."

"That seems to be a theme with this family," he said with a grin.

He was right. The past few nights they'd also shown up late. Even to the wedding shower the Maxwells rushed in half an hour late because they hit a moose on the way (don't worry, the moose was fine).

"You're right about that," I said, and began setting the table. 

"Need any help?" He asked, to my surprise. 

"Oh, uh, sure. Could you go get the box over there?" I asked, pointing to one sitting at the far end of the pavilion.

He nodded and walked off when I heard a car pull in. 

I looked up and saw that it wasn't the Maxwell's. I squinted (forgot my glasses) to try to see who it is.

Jazz's perky, energetic friend Isla hurried over to the car to greet them. I'm not even sure Isla knew who it was, that's just her personality. 

The driver's dark brown hair popped out of the car and I immediately recognized her as Freddie Erickson, Jada's other best friend. We surprisingly don't hang out together as much as you'd expect, being in the same friend group and all. We don't really have any classes together (I take music, she takes art).

I still really like her; she's super chill. 

Isla's face immediately scrunched up when Freddie got out. 

"What happened?!?" I heard her say loudly. 

I looked over at what she was wearing and I wondered the same thing.

Freddie was wearing a giant brown, button-up shirt that came down to her knees.

Then I remembered how strict her mom was and I wasn't surprised at all. In fact, it seemed to be a step up.

I was honestly surprised her mom even let her come.

Jonah set the box on the table, reminding me what I was doing. 

"Thanks," I muttered and took the guest book and cup of pens out. 

"So, where did you say you went to school?" I asked, but he didn't respond. I was about to repeat the question, then I looked up.

He was staring off intently.

"Jonah?" I said a little louder.

"Sorry," He said, blinking. "What did you say?"

I looked past him to see who he was staring at, and saw it was the direction of where the girls were standing. 

"Don't get any ideas, dude," I said with a chuckle. "Isla's only 15."

I noticed a little flush creep over his face.

"I-I wasn't-"

"It's okay, dude, I get it. She's cute, but you have to be, what? Seventeen? Eighteen? Your better off-"

"Not her," he interrupted quickly. He nodded towards the direction of them. "The girl next to her."


I inwardly rolled my eyes at myself. 

"Oh, Freddie?" I asked.

He nodded, smiling a little at the sound of her name.

"With what she's wearing?" I blurted, realizing that was something I should have kept to myself. 

"What about it?" He asked, confused.

He really didn't notice the hideousity of the shirt? Wow. 

"Never mind," I said, just as the Maxwell's van pulled in.

One Lost, Two FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora