Chapter 7

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I couldn't believe how much things had changed in a matter of just ten hours. 

My sister went missing, my wedding is cancelled, and I've been getting hundreds of texts from people I don't even know asking about Jada.  

The only thing "good" about the situation is that I know I picked the right guy.

Ben has been doing EVERYTHING he can to find his future sister-in-law.

He's organizing search parties, posting about her on social media so people know what she looks like, and going around to neighboring towns to hand out fliers.

He's also been the only thing keeping me sane. He reassures me everyday that we'll find her.

I hope he's right.

It's just good to know he cares just as much as I do.


I had a great dream last night (surprisingly). 

I was hoping that when I woke up yesterday would have just been a nightmare.

When I was shaken awake aggressively by Jonah, I knew right away it wasn't. 

The whole morning was just like yesterday. Everyone was depressed, tired, and not eating. 

The last thing was a problem for me.

No one seemed to be in the mood to eat, but I was STARVING. 

Growing up in a household of only women (single mom, three older sisters), I knew that feeling all too well. I don't care what anyone says, teenage girls have just as big an, if not bigger, appetite than teenage boys. 

Especially on their periods.

In fact, far too many times I'd be sent out early in the morning or late at night to go buy them snacks. And pads. It's very awkward.

I'm not really complaining, I'm just glad I don't have to go through that. 

Anyways, instead of bothering anyone I decided to go get something myself.

The parents were upstairs, Jazz and Jonah were talking, and DJ and Ben had arrived and were searching through Jada's room for maybe a clue.

A ton of her stuff had gotten confiscated for investigation, but they were just making sure.

I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen without anyone noticing. 

I opened the pantry. I found some weird healthy breakfast bars. 

I took one and turned around.

I jumped when I saw a shadow outside the door and nearly had a heart attack. Before doing anything drastic I saw who it was.

"Freddie?!" I exclaimed and ran to open the door.

"What are you doing here?? I thought your mom banned you!"

She was out of breath and looked like she'd fallen on her way.

"I… snuck out…" she said. 

I raised my eyebrows, impressed that she went out of her way to come here.

I guess all the commotion I'd made brought Jazz and Jonah over.

They both looked surprised. 

Jazz ran over to get a hug I knew she needed.

"Come in," she said, pulling her inside.

"Why are you here? Not that I'm not happy you are," she said.

"Moral support. I know you haven't found much out," She responded.

We all went to sit at the table.

"Sorry for scaring you, Preston," she said with a slight grin.

I almost laughed at the fact she saw me almost scream. 

"Yeah, I think everyone's a little more jumpy than usual."

They all nodded.

We all sat at the table for a few minutes.

Then, out of the blue,

"OH NO! I'm sorry guys, I haven't fed you yet," Jazz said, getting up. 

I'll help," Freddie said.

A few minutes later I smelled bacon and pancakes. 

That beats the weird breakfast bar I was going to eat. 


After breakfast we all decided to go on a walk to clear our heads. 

We also needed to stop at Isla's house because she wanted to see Jazz I guess.

On the way, to lift the mood, Preston decided to show off his hacky sack skills.

He didn't have any, if you were wondering.

He accidentally kicked it in the road and a car ran over it.

I looked over and saw the half of Freddie's body was dusted in dirt and torn in some spots.

"Run through a tornado on your way here?" I asked with a grin. 

She laughed. 

"No. I escaped through the window. I may have slipped on the way down."

"Oh," I said, impressed, and a little shocked.

We finally got to Isla's house. She came bounding out before we even got in the door.

She sprang onto Jazz and didn't let go the whole way back to the Maxwell's.

Freddie went home about an hour later so she could beat her mom to her house. 

The rest of the day we spent walking around the house, trying to find things to do, or ways to help.
 DJ and Ben went our searching for nearly six ours and got back right as it got dark. 

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