Chapter 9

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As DJ started on the way to Freddie's house Preston went on about how he thought I was an intruder and how quick thinking he was.

"Hang on a second, what do you plan to do once Freddie is out?" DJ asked.

"Actually, yeah. What are we doing?"

Crap. I was hoping they wouldn't ask that.

"Uh, it depends on how bad the situation is. So-" I started to lie. 

"Actually, I don't want to know," DJ said.

"There it is," Preston said as we passed it.

"I'll park over here," DJ said, pulling over to the other side of the road.

"Now get out quick," she said.

"You've got this, man," Preston said meekly.

"Nope. You're coming too."

"GREAT," he said sarcastically.

I jumped out and Preston followed.

"Do you know which window her room is?"

"Why, are you planning on scaling the side of the house?" He asked.

"Nope. I'm hoping there's a ladder around somewhere…" I said, looking across the yard.

"Oh. Well, in that case, it's that one," He said, pointing to a window above the back door. 

"Help me open this," I said, walking over to the garage.

As quietly as possible we slid open the garage wall.

"There's a ladder!" Preston said, pointing to an old wooden ladder in the corner of their very empty garage. 

We hurried over and grabbed it.

We carried it over to the side of the house and propped it up. It reached the window almost perfectly. 

"Do you think it'll hold me?" I asked, looking up.

"Hopefully. Otherwise we'll have to go in through the door."

I stared down at him as stupidenss smacked me right across the face.

He was sending me a cheeky little grin.

"We probably should have tried the door before doing this," I whispered.

"I already did. It's unlocked."

"When did you have time for that?!" I exclaimed. 

"When you were carrying the ladder!"

Ahh, that's why it felt so heavy. 

"I wouldn't trust the door anyways. Her mom probably has all sorts of alarms," he said, rolling his eyes.

I nodded and started to walk up the ladder and Preston held the bottom.

I slowly climbed and finally got to the top.

I leaned over and quietly knocked on the glass, praying her mom wouldn't be on the other side.

I knocked a few more times and the light flicked on. I crossed my fingers as the blinds opened.


About an hour after I fell asleep I awoke to a quiet tapping in my window. At first I assumed it was nothing, but then it kept happening.

I got up carefully, and slowly walked over to the window.

I pulled back the blinds to see Jonah literally standing outside my window.

I jumped back, startled at the sight of a person in my window.

I looked down and saw Preston at the foot of the ladder holding Jonah up.

I didn't know what to think.

I opened the window.

"Yes?" I whispered and propped my head in my hands.

Both Preston and Jonah started laughing.

"We're here to bust you out!" Preston said.

"Well, good timing!" I said, walking over to my dresser where I had set my backpack.

I stuck my head out. 

"I was gonna run away tomorrow anyways."

I helped Jonah through the window which proved to be difficult.

When he was finally inside he whispered down to Preston

"Go tell DJ to leave. Go with her." 

Preston saluted and left.

"I have something to ask," Jonah said.

"Go ahead," I said, shoving more stuff into my backpack.

"Would you go with me on a trip to look for Jada?" He asked.

I smiled. 

"I think that's a great idea."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good, cause we need your car."

I rolled my eyes but laughed quietly.

I finally had everything a few minutes later and left a note on my bed for my mom telling her I'd consider coming back home after I went to find Jada.

Luckily, I had already snuck my car keys after dinner.

Jonah went first down the ladder, and then I went.

We didn't bother putting it back since my mom would probably find the note faster than the ladder.

We hurried to my car and got in.

"Do you think she'll hear the car start?" Jonah asked as he buckled up.

"Nah, she sleeps through everything."

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