Chapter 5

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The second my parents saw us they knew something was wrong. They told us that someone had broken into their car while they were picking up the pizza and stole just their phones, car keys, and wallets. They had to walk all the way back to our house to get the our backup key and call the cops.

We quickly filled them in.

They looked like were about to have a heart attack.

A cop came out and asked, "what's going on?!"

After half an hour of tears, interviews, and intense worrying, DJ and Ben hurried into the station.

DJ quickly pulled me and my mom into a hug. 

Ben decided to take Becca home to HIS parents who were still unaware of the situation. 

My dad had been talking to different cops for the past 10 minutes.

All that waiting was torturous. Minutes turned into hours of me sitting and wondering what happened to my sister.

She seemed happy enough, I don't know why she would run away.

I don't know why anyone would... take her. We weren't rich by any means and we certainly didn't have any enemies, that I know of.

And I couldn't bring myself to think about... the other option.

Isla came over and sat next to me, wrapping me in a hug that seemed to last forever. 

Freddie, Preston and Jonah had been talking quietly in a corner for a few minutes.

"We're going to go drive around town and ask if people have seen her," Preston said finally, looking pale.

I gave him a small smile, knowing this was just as hard on him.

"That's a great idea, thank you guys," a teary eyed DJ said, who was the least of a mess.

"Text us updates," Freddie said, patting my shoulder.

"I will. You, too."


Freddie, Preston and I got in her car to go look around and ask people if they had seen Jada. We were also going to go check Jada's favorite places, which, according to her friends, was a coffee shop, the beach, and a clothing store.

I knew Jada was not very likely to be in any of those places, but we were really just doing anything we could at this point. 

Freddie drove around the neighborhood surrounding the wedding spot, and we asked anyone walking by. We started showing pictures of her, all of which Preston had on his phone. Most of them were pictures of them together.

It was dark by the time we called it quits. Freddie called Jazz who said there was no updates. 

She pulled into a gas station. 

"This is no time for a refreshment. Unless it is. Can I go get an energy drink?" Preston asked, who hadn't put together a sentence that made sense since we started looking.

Freddie parked. 

"Go ahead. I just need to think." 

Preston hopped out and hurried into the store. 

She propped her arms on the steering wheel and massaged her temples.

"Are you feeling ok?" I asked. 

She looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry, dumb question."

She smiled slightly. 

"Considering the situation, I'm ok. I can't say I will be when I try to go to sleep."

I reached over and put my hand on hers.

"We'll find her."


At around midnight everyone went to the Maxwell house for a meeting. 

They basically said there was no luck and no point in us searching this late. 

Mr. Maxwell and Ben's dad went out with the cops.

The mom's cooked a small dinner in place of the forgotten pizza, but no one really ate it.

Freddie and Isla went home by their parent's wishes. Jonah and I decided to stay the night and sleep on the couches. 

I called my mom, who'd seen posts about Jada missing on Facebook and was extremely worried.

She knew how close Jada and I were, so she didn't object to me spending the night.


After I dropped Isla off I was prepared to face the wrath of my mom. I had left her many texts, but I wasn't sure if that was enough.

I quietly walked through the door and hurried up to my room. 

A few minutes later there was a sharp knock at my door and my mom came in, not bothering to wait for an answer.

"It's a shame what happened to Jada," she said, walking over stiffly.

"Yep," I replied, knowing there had to be more.

"But you could have been her!" She exploded.

Called it.

I should have known, letting you fool around with those hooligans was getting too risky!"

"Mom, it was a wedding rehearsal!"

"It doesn't matter! You are never to go back to that house."

"But they need me to help look for her!"

"And I need you to stay here!" She said, leaving closing the door loudly. "You're grounded."

I groaned. 

Like I had predicted, trying to fall asleep was next to impossible.

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