Chapter 8

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I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to. 

I said goodbye and left their house. 

A few seconds later I heard the door open and close again and I turned to see Jonah hurrying down the steps towards me.

"Yes?" I said, confused. 

"I'll walk you home. It just occurred to me that we probably shouldn't walk anywhere alone."

We started walking.

"Well you're going to have to walk back alone, too," I pointed out.

He shrugged, then broke into a small smile.

"Okay, okay. That may not be the only reason I want to walk you home."

I felt butterflies in my stomach that probably shouldn't be there considering the situation. 

I smiled. 

"Okay, but seriously. You shouldn't walk alone either."

"I'll call Preston and have him on speaker the whole way home," he replied. 

I nodded.

We talked the whole way to my house, and finally arrived. I turned into the driveway and my heart sank. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"What's wrong?!?" Jonah asked.

"That's my mom's car!" I cried. 

"Oh," he said, shocked.

I sighed and turned to him.

"I guess this is goodbye for a long, long time."

He ran a hand through his hair.

"But maybe she'll be cool?"

I laughed.

"My mom? Cool? No. But I'll try to get out at some point." 

I gave him a small smile. 

"Bye, I guess."

He looked at me for a second, his blue eyes staring into the depths of my soul.

"Bye for now," he said finally.

I hurried to the house and turned one last time before I went in to see him watching me leave.

I ran to my room, wondering if she happened to not see the blanket hanging out of my window or the fact that I was literally not home.

I didn't see her in her room as I passed, and I thought maybe I was in the clear as I opened my door.


She smiled sarcastically as she sat on my bed like it was hers.

"Care to explain?" She asked, standing up.


"Darling Miss Chesterfield called me half an hour ago and told me she saw you SCALING our house."

I rolled my eyes.

"That old hag can't keep anything to herself," I muttered.

"Fredricka Charlotte, I would watch it. I'm this close to sending you to a behavioral camp."

"Go right ahead. It's better than being here," I don't know what prompted me to talk back to my mom. Normally I cower in her presence. 

Her face went cold. 

"If that's how you feel, then fine. I would start packing," She started to leave.

"You can't be serious," I said.

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