Some Superheroes Wear Scarves (KaiLen) (LEN IS AGED UP)

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Requested by -spoopynxrse



"Jesus, it's crazy hot out!" Len Kagamine cried, glaring at the weather on his phone. "Eighty degrees in October? Hell no!" He sighed and threw the phone on his bed, then pulled off his sweatshirt and grabbed the first T-shirt he found.

Just then, the door was shoved open and his boyfriend, Kaito Shion, walked in like he owned the place and cannonballed onto Len's bed.

"Lenny face!" he called, grinning like an absolute idiot. "It's super warm out, we should have a picnic. I already invited your roommate and his girlfriend, so you can't say no. They're already picking up the food and- ah crap, I've gotta get dessert! See you at the courtyard by the language building!" And with that, he jumped back up and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Len stood in the doorway of his closet, staring blankly at the wall. Kaito was so incredibly scatterbrained that it was sometimes painful to watch. Still, he wouldn't mind going on a picnic with him, even if it was a double date. As long as he got a banana or two, it would be fine. 


Around lunchtime, he started wandering towards the language building, trying to whistle while he walked. He didn't know how people in movies did it all the time- it was so hard in real life, and all he managed to do was sound like a sixth grader making fart noises. Discouraged, he brushed his messy blond hair out of his eyes and continued on his way.

Wil, his roommate, was already there with his girlfriend Ruby and Kaito. Wil was older than both of them, ready to graduate at 24. Ruby was 22 and not excited at the thought of her last year without him, but she was optimistic enough to make the best of it. Len himself was young, 18, but it wasn't his fault that his birthday was so late. He wouldn't be 19 until around Thanksgiving. 

"Yo, Len!" Ruby called, throwing a volleyball at him. He ducked just in time for it to miss his face, then had to run after it and throw it back at her.

"Keep your balls off me!" he shouted back at her as he approached the group. "And anyways, I'm too gay for you. Even if you didn't keep your balls off, I'd probably enjoy it." He smirked and then laughed, unable to hide his immature side.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up," she replied, opening the cooler of food. Deli sandwiches, a big bag of chips, apples and bananas, and bottles of water were thrown at various people by Wil, with an attitude of not caring about anything in the entire universe. 

"Oh yeah!" Kaito exclaimed suddenly. "I left the dessert in my dorm! Hang on, let me go get it. You guys can start eating!" He got up and ran off, sprinting with the biggest idiotic grin on his face.

Len shook his head  and smiled, his cheeks flushed pink as he bit into his sandwich. He'd save the banana for last, as it was the best part- even better than dessert (unless that was a banana split).

"Hey, Len," Wil mumbled with a bite of sandwich. "You like Kaito, right? Like, you're dating him and stuff?"

Len laughed, picking at a piece of bread crust. "Well...he's kind of like the sun to me."

Ruby grinned. "Aww, that's so cute! So he's like the light of your life?"

"No, it's like the more I stare at him the more I regret it," Len replied, trying and failing to hold back a laugh."

Ruby was silent for a moment, unsure what to say or do. " still love him though, right...?"

Len pretended to think about it, staring at his sandwich as he felt both of them staring at him suspiciously. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. "Of course I do, you idiots! I'm just trying to say-"

Before he could finish, however, they were interrupted by the sight of Kaito running towards them, wearing  a rainbow cape that looked like it had been tied onto his neck with a shoelace. Sure enough, one of his sneakers was loose and slowly falling off.

"Lenny!! Lenny, look, I'm a gay superhero!" cried the bluenette, almost laughing his head off as he tried desperately not to trip over everything.

Len curled up and hid his face in his hands, mumbling to himself as he tried to shut out Wil and Ruby's laughter. "ohmygodholyshitwhyisthishappeningtomewhycouldn'tIhavestarteddatinganormalboywhy" he said to himself, only looking up just as Kaito stopped in front of the picnic blanket.

"Len, did you see? I'm a gay superhero-" He stopped in the middle of his sentence, gasping suddenly. "Len, I'm Supergay."

The blonde froze, looking like he'd just swallowed a sour pickle, then wiped his eyes and grinned a little. "I take it back, I love him," he said, his cheeks flushing. He stood up and tackled Kaito in a hug before kissing him tenderly on the lips. Trying not to giggle, Kaito kissed him back, cuddling him on the grass.

"Kaito-" Wil grumbled, sighing and crossing his arms. "Did you even REMEMBER to get the dessert?"

The bluenette sat up, gasping. "Shit! I got distracted by the flag that I had just gotten from online!"

"Oh my GOD- just stay here, I'll do it." Wil sighed and pulled Ruby up with him, and they left hand in hand to retrieve the cookies Kaito had gotten.

"So you love me, huh?" Kaito murmured to Len, holding his hand gently.

"Yeah, but only because you're so damn ridiculous that I can't help but call you cute." Len pulled his hand away and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, closing his eyes.

"You really are Supergay," he mumbled. "Your power is extreme idiocy."

Kaito laughed and kissed him again, pulling him closer.

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