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Kayla POV
   Laia and I drove to Alana's house to tell her the news. She opened the door yawning and said "what".Laia and I burst into her house and yelled
I ran up to Alana and slapped her straight in her face. "What did you do that for." She asked rubbing her cheek. "Idfk get dressed we are leaving in thirty"

Laia POV
I got in the truck, Alana got in next to me and Kayla went in the trunk." Get in the back bitch" I said "No" she said barking at me. It was an hour drive to to a secluded area.We were told to come at night it made the lights and rides look better.Later in the night after we rode the rides we heard screaming "DARNELL WHERE ARE YOU MY HUSBAND. I JUST WANT A KISS MY LOVE.LOOK AT THE LIPSTICK I PUT ON JUST FOR YOU.
We started laughing Alana said "we should go to the corn maze"so we did and if I could go back and say no I would without a doubt.

Kayla POV
"I'm not going in the fucking corn maze. I do not not want my booty grabbed by a scarecrow or something." I said they both rolled their eyes and I followed them through the corn maze.
"We are lost idiot"I said to Alana who was still jumping to see past the corn.
"Your 4'5 sit your ass down" Laia said
Just as Alana start jumping I heard a scream Laia was gone.I looked over to Alana who was also gone and then darkness.

Alana POV
I woke up in a dark room and started screaming I heard groaning next to me. " Shut up will you" a voice said I looked over and say a blond dude next to me. He looked around my age. "Who are you" I asked "My name is Aaron and I'm guessing you were taking from your friends too" he said " Yeah I was 😢" I said "but let's work together to get out of here. I'm Alana by the way."

Laia POV
I woke in a dark room and there was a brown haired man leaning against the wall. " So your finally up huh let's go we need to find our friends" we walked out of the room into a dark hallway. "So what happened to you" I asked. He said " Me and my friends Aaron and Xavier were walking through the maze then bam darkness. Fun right? By the way my name is Justin." I replied with "the same thing happened to me and my friends Kayla and Alana. Oh I'm Laia by the

Kayla POV
I woke up in a dark room feeling a bit dizzy.There was a man with dark hair and tattoos in a chair next to mine. Maybe he was taking from his friends too. I stood up and tapped his shoulder and he opened his eyes " Who are you and where are my friends" he asked angrily. I stepped back. "I don't know I was in the maze with my friends and then I woke up here. Is this a prank?" I asked. He walked towards the door leading to a hallway and said " I don't know but I'm not staying to find out" I followed him out the door.

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