Freedom At What Costs

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It is so strange to be known universally yet to be so lonely- Albert Einstein.
GameMaster POV
I've lost everything. I've lost my love. I I've my family. I lost my humanity. I will not lose my game. I'm in control and all games must end. It's time to let go.

Bianca POV
I couldn't wait for us to get here ; to the point of bloodshed. I followed my mother's rules in hopes to be just like her. I've been watching them behind the scenes they've been fighting for their lives pathetically.They are not brave if anything they are stupid.If this is going to end in death it's going to be theirs. "let's play a game shall we." the GameMaster says. The Hallway we are  in starts to shift. It's an elevator? I can feel it we are moving upwards. Then the door opens to a room.

Laia POV
We walk into the room to find six glocks. Immediately Xavier walks over to the table and grabs one. He inspects it and says "It's a glock 26 GEN5 9mm. They all only have one bullet." Justin replies with "We've never been in this room. I don't know what to expect. Laia get behind me. I start to walk behind him then I stop and say "There are six guns,six bullets, and seven of us." Then the GameMaster says " You're right, but Kayla doesn't get one seeing as she's bleeding out." Just as she said that Kayla collapsed. Xavier ran over to her and put her on his lap.

Justin POV
"Everyone grab a gun.the GameMaster said. We all walked over to grab a gun. Aaron passed one to Xavier before patting him on the back.
Then the GameMaster said "Let me tell you how to play. All of you close your eyes and shoot someone on the count of three. You can't discuss who you will shoot and if you don't I will kill your families." Well I think we all know the easiest person to shoot is Kayla. Aaron and I glance over to her and Xavier raised his gun. Okay so not Kayla. We all look at eachother and one by one we close our eyes. 
1 This is it.
2 About half of us will die.
3 We are finally free


GameMaster POV
Well I didn't expect it to end like this. I love when toys exceed my expectations.

Kayla POV
My vision was hazy, but I heard and saw everything. They all shot themselves. That's when I heard it. The sound that let me know I could let go. SIRENS and then darkness.

I can't open my eyes. " They've been through a lot. Ligature marks around their stomachs and arms.They are all malnourished and I've found traces of poison in their lungs. It's a miracle almost all of them survived. Almost the word ring in my head who didn't make it." My eyes snap open to see my father and a doctor. They walk over to me and tell me my injuries. "Who didn't make it?" I ask the doctor sighs and says " I'm sorry to tell you this but your friend Alana didn't make it."

Alana POV
I can't touch anything. I look down and see my body I must be a ghost then.

Xavier POV
I stand up and start walking. A doctor grabs my arm and says I have to sit down and stay for testing. "Where is Kayla. Is she okay." I say while pushing her hand off my arm. "She's okay. Unfortunately your friend Alana didn't survive."  To be honest I was indifferent. I didn't know her but she was Kayla's friend. I sat back down to begin my testing. The doctor told me that the lead detective on the GameMaster case was going to talk to all of us together.

Justin POV
The officer was leading me to a room in the hospital to talk to a police chief. We stopped at Laia's room and she came joined us. She must of heard  what happened to Alana because her eyes were puffy. I grabbed her hand and she smiled at me. We approached Xavier's room. He looked like he was fighting with the doctor when the officer told him to come with us. He hugged me and smiled at Laia. We approached Kayla's door she walked out and hugged us all, but when Xavier leaned in the moved and said save your hug for Bianca. We all looked over to her and the cop cleared his throat and started walking. Next we were at Bianca's room and she immediately jumped out and hugged Xavier. "Are you Okay" she said. "Bianca" he said pulling her off of him "I'm don't feel the same way about you anymore. I love someone else" We all looked at him wide eyed. That was not the right time man. We all continued to walk in silence to Aaron's room. He rolled out in a wheelchair.We all gasped he said "The bullet ruptured my spinal cord. I won't be able to walk for the rest of my life." We walked (and rolled)to the makeshift interrogation room and we were greeted by the lead detective.

Detective POV
" I'm detective Johnson, but you kids can a call me Darnell. Before we get started I'd like to tell you that you don't have to tell us your experience if it makes you uncomfortable, but it would help the prosecution move faster if we got your statements" I said they all nodded and one by one they came in and told me their stories. After I was done I asked if they had any questions. They all said no and walked away. As if on cue my phone rang " I'm sorry my love. I'm coming now. I promised our plan would work you won't have to be in a cell any longer Jaila."

The End

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