Truth, Dare, or Dollhouse

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GameMaster POV
           "Darnell my love, look at my new play things aren't they pretty." I said before realizing he couldn't see them. "Oh I'm sorry darling I forgot I removed your eyes, but now you will never look at another women.You don't mind, right?" Ohh goody they're waking up.

Laia POV
         I wake up in a chair next to Justin. I look around the room and see my friends "Alana, Kayla are you guys okay" I yelled. Then I got out of my chair and walked over to Alana, Who looked like she was about to get up. I was about 2 feet in front of Alana when I fell. "I forgot to mention our legs are chained together, it spreads about 5 feet." "Wow he couldn't have said that earlier" I thought while getting up. 

Alana POV
          When I open my eyes I see Laia infront of me. I jump up and give her a hug. "don't bother moving far,Our legs are chained" she said. I see a chain on my leg and I trace it to Aaron's. "Hey where's Kayla?" I ask we both look around and see her passed out in a chair. Infront of her there is a man on his knees "Kayla, please wake up" he said.

Kayla POV
         I woke up in a orange room. I look down to see Xavier infront of me. "Are you okay? " I ask. He stood up and hugged me. "I'm glad your not dead" he said "same" I said. I heard someone clear their throat and I look over to see Laia and Alana. I jumped up from my seat and hugged them. "Are you guys okay?" I asked they nodded. "Do you know what's going on?"Laia asked. I looked over at Xavier and said "No I don't" Then we heard over a loud speaker. "Please Enter the room on your left" someone said. I started walking when Xavier grabbed my arm. "Why didn't you tell them" he asked "if we are going to die they shouldn't spend there last moments thinking about it." I said. Then we walked into the room.

GameMaster POV
"My pretty toys, it's time to play a game of truth or dare. The order is Laia,Justin ,Alana,Aaron ,Kayla, and Xavier. Pick a card from the stack. You can't just pick truths or dares. If you don't do your dares you'll get sent to the dollhouse.Laia pick your card."

Justin POV
I watched Laia pick a dare card. I know how this is going to go down. No one ever finishes their dare. In the end somebody gets sent to the dollhouse. She read her dare "I dare you to cut your skin with a knife and then peel it off and eat it." She dropped her card. "What if I don't" she said. "Then you'll be immediately sent to the dollhouse" the GameMaster said. Laila grabbed the knife on the table and cut over her arm. The blood started dripping off the sides of her arm then she stuck stuck her fingers in the cut and ripped away at the the bleeding skin. We all heard the flesh tear.Then she put the bleeding soggy flesh in her mouth and swallowed. It's my turn I picked truth. My card said "Out of all these people who would you send to the dollhouse" I looked around the boys are my best friends, Laia who I am fond of, and Alana she's to vulnerable to be tortured like they are in the dollhouse.
"Kayla" I said without looking up. I could feel Xavier staring at me. I could tell he liked her. Then Kayla said "Don't worry I would send you too." Everyone looked her.

Aaron POV
             It was my turn. I picked truth it didn't really matter though the GameMaster wouldn't send me or the other guys to the dollhouse since we were here "personal toys". My card said" who would you kill in this room" I looked around the room, my eyes met Alana's. Not her, Not my friends either. If I choose Kayla, Xavier would torture and kill me. If I choose Laia, Justin would kill me. "Laia" I said Justin looked over at me. Alana cleared her throat bringing the attention back around. "Its my turn then" she says. She picked a dare card. Her card said "slice your hand then drink the blood" she wiped the knife Laia used and slashed her hand.She licked her hand clean of and started to choke

Xavier POV
             I picked a card out of the stack. I picked dare it said "Peel two off your nails." I grabbed the knife and scraped at the tip of my finger and slowly pushed it down. I used my other hand and digged out the first nail and then did the same to my other. It was Kayla's turn she picked truth. Her card said "would you trade your life for anyone in this room?" "No" she answered almost immediately. Everyone looked at her. "I'm not going to lie I wouldn't trade my life for someone else." She said.

GameMaster POV
          "That's interesting right Darnell"I said he didn't answer me. "Right Darnell?" His body fell forward off the chair. "Oh my love I hate when you ignore me." I grabbed him and dragged him to the cellar. It's time for a lesson hun. I slid off his clothes and cut off his nipple. Well now that's uneven. I cut off the other one. "Honey you make me so angry im sorry for what I'm about to do." I started ripping away at his skin until the stuffing inside him fell out. "Unfortunately I'll have to wait until later to fix you up." I said. I walked back to my camera room and told my toys they get to spend the rest of the day in this room since they have been good. I went back the cellar and put Darnell on my lap and started sewing him back together. "Do you like what I did with the blood? I've always wanted to be a Vampire."


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