Chapter 1 - The Boy in the Woods

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The sweet breeze of the cold air filled the woods. White snow falls from the sky and shines down from the small sunlight. It was near sundown and I had been out for quite some time, hoping my father and mother wouldn't notice my disappearance. I left my kingdom for some time to myself, for life as a princess isn't simple. I didn't care for the weather, I just needed to get out of this kingdom. With only my red cape, white gown, brown boots, and my part of the fire quirk were all I had to keep warm. I didn't expect myself to find anyone else out here but, I did. He seemed to be upset about something, not quite sure what. He was sitting alone on a log out in the cold. I hid behind a tree so he wouldn't see me spying on him, but that didn't last for long.

He had caught me snooping in on him. Not surprised, my red cape did however stand out. He stood up to look at me, wiping his tears and snot away trying hard not to embarrass himself. His rusty blond-haired looked frozen from the icy weather. His stare from those crimson eyes made me stop and stare back. It is as though our eyes were locked with one another. Though he couldn't see them. My red hood covered my face, only seeing my red lips and rosy cheeks. I didn't know what to do nor say, so I ran. I hadn't realized I ran in the wrong direction from once I came. He had yet to catch up to me, grabbing a hold of my hand.

"W-wait!" he spoke.

His voice, desperate for me to stay. I stopped for a moment only to had realized I went the wrong way. Out of breath I let loose of his grip and looked around. I was right, I was lost. The sun was already down and I hadn't anywhere to go.

"Y-you've lost your way. Haven't you?" he questioned as if he had read my mind.

Embarrassed, I knew he was my only way out of these woods so I nodded. I was a bit frightened talking to someone outside of my kingdom. For mother said I must never talk to strangers, and that we should never trust anyone outside our kingdom. I stepped away slowly until stumbling over a log I didn't see. Completely embarrassed, my face starts to turn red, not just from the cold.

"Woah!" he shrieks coming toward me, "You really are a klutz, aren't you?" he chuckles.

I don't say a word, but start to slowly push myself backward feeling the icy cold snow course through my hands.

"It's alright. I'm just helping you. No need to be startled," he said letting out his hand.

I was hesitant for a moment, not wanting to trust him. I had no idea what had come of me, placing my hand onto his. I didn't know what made me want to trust him. He helped me back up, and I dusted what was of the snow and fixed my dress. I realized my hood was slowly coming off. Quickly, I put it back on, hoping he hadn't seen my face.

"So, What do they call you" he questioned.

I thought for a second, not sure if I should tell him who I was.

"Never mind what they call me," I replied.

He laughs, "Stubborn I see. May I ask what were you doing out here alone."

"I'm not alone," I smile "Am with you aren't I."

He smiles and chuckles at my remark. "Right you are."

"You're not from here I'm guessing." he starts coming closer.

"And you seem to know your kingdom quite well, don't you?" I smirk back at him, keeping my distance.

"You could say that," he responds.

"They treat you well?" I ask.

"They treat me better than I deserve," he scoffs. "And you?"

I pause for a moment then answered, "They treat me as well as their able."

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's not your doing," I answer.

"I guess not," he smirks.

"You're a prince." I smile changing the subject. I notice the shiny gold pin on his tunic and cloak.

"Yes, and you ar-"

"No more than the princess handmaiden." I stop him.

"Right," he scoffs in disbelief.

"So, your highness," I curtsy down in a fancy manner. He laughs at my foolish pose.

He goes along and bows, "Yes my grace."

"To what do they call you?" I giggle.

"I'm...K-Kaachan." he stutters.

"Well, lord Kaachan?" I chuckle, "My name is-" I get cut off by the sounds of soldiers coming from a distance. They seem to be coming for him.

"I-I shouldn't be here!" I stutter and start running off.

"Wait! Don't go." the same desperate voice as before called me again. I didn't understand why he wanted me to stay.

I look back at him and see his sorrowful face, "I'm sorry. I have to go."

I then run off into the woods leaving him there alone once again. I will never forget the boy's lovely and warm smile. With his crimson eyes shining beneath the moonlight. His face will forever stay with me. Even though it has been 5 years since that day. I haven't told anyone about it, and I don't think I ever will.

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