Chapter 6 - Mother Knows Best

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Oh no...

I felt a rush of shame fills me up as I recognize my mother's crossed look.

"Why are you all dirty! Where did you run off to this time!?" my mother rushed toward me, looking at the dirt on my dress, and seeing the mess of my hair.

"Mother I thought you were with Mrs. Bakugou?"
"I was yet she left because she knew her son left early. At first, I was confused but then it clicked me so now I'm here and corrected," she crosses her arms.

"Mother I-"

" I ask 1 thing of you, even so, you can't keep it," she looks at me up and down with dissatisfaction in her voice, "I expect more from you! 2 times you did this, 2 TIMES! Did I mention that you met 2 someones!? How naive can you be!"
"Mum please, you must understand that I am no longer a child! I don't need to be hidden anymore! No one is after us! We are safe!" I assure her, yet she moves her hands away from mine.
"How dare you keep secrets!"
"Oh, you are truly on to talk," I scoff, "When where were you going to tell me about the ball?"
"Who told you that?" She gave me a confused look.
"So it's true?!" I exclaim.
"Don't you raise your voice at me, young lady!"
"Mother, if you could listen to what I have to say, you would understand that the world isn't a cruel place! Bakugo and Izuku are-"
"Wait. Izuku. You mean, Midoriya's Son," her face is shocked. I nod my head yes which makes her even more frantic.
"Mother their not our enemy anymore! And I wasn't alone! Katsuki accompanied me. Trust me, they mean us no harm! He is kind and-"
"You barely even know the kid! This is why you never should have left! Dear this whole romance that you invented just proves you too naive to be there!" she walks around me,

"Why would he like you? Come on now!
Look at you, you think that he's impressed?"
She wanders to face me then backs up, "Don't be a dummy, come with mummy," Her hands widen out, "Mother-"

"No!" I pause her coldly.

"No?! Oh, I see how it is," she crosses her arms only for them to be unfolded again. She moves around me again.

"Evelyn knows best, Evelyn's so mature now," her sarcastic voice mocks me, "Such a clever grown-up Miss," she squints her eyes ten rolls them back.
"Evelyn knows best. Fine, if you're so sure now," she faces me in anger and frustration.
"Go ahead, then give him this!" She pulls on my dress and it makes me fall over, "This is why he's here! Don't let him deceive you!" My eyes widen and start to water.
"Give it to him, watch, you'll see!" She looks down at me.

"Trust me, my dear," she snaps her fingers, "That's how fast he'll leave you!" She gets closer to my face. I sit upright and face her, "I won't say I told you so!" I give her an angry look but hers makes me more upset than ever.

"No, Evelyn knows best!" she laughs sarcastically, "So if he's such a dreamboat
Go and put him to the test!" She turns further away from me and closer to the door.

"If he's lying, Don't come crying!" Her voice rises as she opens the door, "Mother knows best!" She slams the door and I'm left with the silence and echo.

I try to catch my breath, still shocked about what happened. I can't help but feel overwhelmed. Without realizing it, my eyes are replenished with teardrops. Never in my life would I thought this day would come. I knew falling in true love existed and I wanted it. If I was to be the next queen, I needed a spouse. Yet, I am too naive. I knew the day would come when I would be assigned a husband. What makes this any different? Why are we enemy's of them? What mistakes did father do? How could this happen? Was it our doing or there's? Katsuki did talk about Izuku begin dangerously, but I never thought of it. What made him so dangerous that even father and mother disapprove of their kingdom? Those questions will never be answered. I knew for certain. Unless I found out on my own. As much as I wanted to know, I couldn't. It would be too much to bear. I know my place in life. I just needed to learn it.  I felt overwhelmed and helpless. It was all much for me. Everything was happening so fast that I wanted to stop. I had no idea how to fight this. I got up and decided to wash up for bed. Even in the bath, I could help but think. I dried up and dressed. I was concerned for my handmaid and wonder where she could have been. I was too tired to think. I curled myself up in my bed sheet and went straight I bed. Knowing the challenges ahead of me, I knew it would all eventually end. I just wanted to know...when?

My Fantasy Dreams (Fantasy Au!! X Reader!!) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن