Chapter 2: The Market Boy

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Sorry for the long wait! I tried to make it to your liking. I had alto of drafts for this one but I made up my mind and choose this one! Pardon me for the mistakes! Hope you enjoy it! :D


"Your grace! Your mother said you mustn't go outside the palace!" the maiden spoke out.

I had wanted to go out into our village just to look around, but my mother forbids me from going out. She didn't want me out with the " dangerous outsiders". I knew that was her excuse to keep me from going. I didn't care, I intended to go, and so I will.

"Why should I care for what she has to say. She doesn't own me. I am not an object to her keeping!" I shout back at her. I grabbed a rope and started to tie it to my bed.

"Your grace please, you must understand. Your highness is just looking out for your well being!" She sighs. "Please, stay here. For it is safe from the outsiders." She grabs my rope and looks at me. I know my mother is looking out for me, but I'm old enough to make my own choices. I have to go out.

"I'm sorry. I can't stay here forever. I am not a little girl anymore. I can protect myself. If I'm to be queen, I must know my kingdom."


"Please," I stop her. I place my hand on hers. "Just this once! I promise I'll be back before sundown," I assured her.

"Alright, but no longer!" she remarks. She fixes my black fur cloak then my white and black short dress.

- here's a little reference on what I meant on the dress :) -

- here's a little reference on what I meant on the dress :) -

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I hug her tight and laugh a little, "Thank you!" I grabbed hold of my rope and looked at how far down it was

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I hug her tight and laugh a little, "Thank you!" I grabbed hold of my rope and looked at how far down it was. Finally, held tightly onto the rope, letting myself fall to the bottom.

When I reach the bottom I look up and wave goodbye to her. Putting my hood on, I finally leave.

I hadn't been out in 5 years, so seeing the people, living the fresh air, and being out felt lovely. While I was walking, I happened to pass a small bakery. The smell of fresh baked goods made me drool. I walked in, keeping my hood on, and looked at the lovely pastries. They were all freshly baked, bread to sweetbread, they had it all! Oh, how I wanted one of everything just to see what they tasted like! My mouth was watering by the thought of it, I knew I had to have one! I decided to get a fritter only because I didn't want to go overboard. Finally, it was my turn to taste the sweetness of my pastry. The warm delightful taste of the unforgettable pastry fills my mouth. No wonder mother wouldn't let me eat these! They are so addicting! I think to myself. I had no clue why she would keep me away from such a wonderful place with amazing food! I walk out thanking the sweet girl who made me the food. Maybe this place isn't so bad.

I had been out for a little while, having another fritter. Meeting different people on the market. I never knew who wonderful my people are.

"Let me go!" a man shouted near an alleyway. "I did nothing wrong!" the same man yelled.

"You are not to be here!" a soldier I guess, yelled right back at him.

I walked closer to the alleyway seeing a poor green-haired man getting beaten to the ground. He looked about my age maybe older, and he was being cornered by the 2 soldiers.

"What are you doing?!" I shout, running toward the man on the floor, dropping my fritter. I see the two soldiers start to back away from the man.

"Your grace? What are you doing here?" soldier 1 asks.

Oh no, my cape. It must have fallen off as I was running. I couldn't hide it now, but I mustn't worry about it. The man looked half beaten, I had to help him.

"Nevermind that! What were you doing to this poor boy! What has he done to you for you to treat him this way." I shout back at them. I sat the boy up and cleaned his face with the handkerchief I had in my pocket. I could see his freckles show as I cleaned the dirt and blood from his face.

"Is he a friend of yours?" the second soldier asks.

"Doesn't matter," I replied, still cleaning his face, "Leave. I'll head back to the palace after I know he's okay."

"Your Grace, we can't-"

"It wasn't a request." I coldly pause the soldier.

"Yes, your majesty." They both reply then immediately leave.

"Are you alright?" I ask, slowly picking him up.

"Yes, Thank you" he smiles, "Sorry for causing you this trouble."

"It wasn't your doing," I smile

"Nor your either," he replies. I picked him up back on his feet and led him out of the alley. I placed him on an old chair that was near the woodside.

"You have a heart of gold. How shall I ever repay you?" he asks.

I smile at how kind he was to offer anything for some little thing.

"Meet me here after dawn. I'll give my request then," I smiled and ran off.

I didn't know what was the boy doing there but I wanted to know him. I don't know why but it felt like I knew him from someplace. Somewhere...I knew him...I met him... in my dreams...

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