•The elephant in the room•

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~~~~This ones short 😘~~~~

I open my eyes waking up in a room I've never woken up in before. Seeing Johns shoes on the floor and sour patch kid trash. I turn over and see John looking at me. He rubs his sleepy eyes and says good morning to me in a groggy voice.

John gets up and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast. I step out of bed breathing in the scent of freshly cooked bacon. I see what looks like to be Johns robe and slippers hanging near his closet I grab them, and put them on. I throw my hair in a messy bun and walk out to greet John.

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door and step back, hiding behind the door jam.

I peak over and see John opening up the door. Bill Hader comes rushing in the door with what looks like a billion papers in his hand flying everywhere.

"Hey what's wrong?" John says shutting the door picking up the trail of paper's Bill had left behind.

"The sketches for tonight! I-I haven't finished them an-and Lorne wants them now! John you have to help me! Please!!" Bill says out of breath sitting at Johns island in his kitchen.

"Bill of course I'll help you." John takes the bacon off the burner and starts to look at the papers Bill had brung.

With bills back to me I wave my hand to get Johns attention.


John gives me that look like oh shit Bill cant know your here.

Bill looks up at John remembering a thought. "Oh and John! You can't tell Lorne you helped me! I told him I wouldn't need anyone's help with these tonight. God I acted like such an asshole. Please promise me you won't tell him?"

John thinks for a moment, then looks back at me waiting by his door.

"Yes Bill. As long as you don't tell anyone about......"

I walk out of Johns room giving a half smile to Bill and waving awkwardly.

"Who is?....." Bill points to me in confusion.

"We're sorta.....uhhhhhh." John stutters to find the right words to say.

"Let's just say I like him, he likes me and now we're trynna work our shit out." I look over to John to see if that answer was what he wanted.

His eyebrows move close together. He gave me a gaze that I had never seen from him before.

"But listen Bill you can't tell anyone! We're trying to keep........what we have, on the down low."

Bill nods at John.

"John your secrets safe with me."

"Oh and I'm y/n."

"Very nice to meet you y/n." Bill smiles at me and kisses my hand like I was a princess.

John grabs my waist and pulls me back.

"Watch yourself buddy!" John laughs and teases Bill.

John kisses my cheek and quietly says to me
"There's bacon over there on the counter if you would like some."

I eat some bacon and watch John and Bill brain storm jokes.

They talked for a while about set and hair and makeup. Stuff I didn't think they had to worry about.

Bill starts to paint the scene "So in this scene it's about a guy who works at Starbucks but he doesn't know what coffee is."

"Ok, ok I could see that."

"So I'm having trouble with like the climax of the whole thing. Like maybe he can have some sort of out burst?"

I chime in to give Bill an idea. "Yeah! What if he throws all the coffee and It goes every where! Then there's coffee grounds all over the floor, and he has to clean it all up, and when the customers ask why his boss won't fire him, he can say because he's there best employee!"

John and Bill begin to laugh at my cheesy idea for a sketch.

"You know what y/n that actually might work." Bill writes it down into his note book.

John rubs my leg under them table and says "That's my girl."

I feed him a piece of bacon into his mouth. He puts his face near mine insisting I eat the other half.

I eat it and we both giggle at each other's silliness.

"Ok love birds, thank you for you help but I gotta get going now."

John and I look at each other and blush as bill takes his papers and heads for the door.

"Thank you so much honestly." Bill says as he hugs John.

"No problem. And thanks for being so chill about..."

"Of course." Bill waves good by to the both of us and heads out the door.

John walks back over to me sitting on the floor now petting Petunia.

He laughs and joins me.

"She's the most precious thing In the world." I say rubbing the white French bull dogs soft underbelly.

"No." John says stopping petting Petunia. "You are."

I get the biggest smile on my face. God there were so many butterfly's in my stomach right now. I hope I can tell Ellie about John today. There's so many feelings I just wanted to tell her about.

I lean and tackle John to the floor. I shower him in dozens of kisses all over. Petunia comes over and licks John face as well.

I lay my head on his chest feeling in his heart beat.

"Hey.....ummmmm." John sits up.

"Did you..? We're you ummm.... did you hear me say."

I wrap my hands around his face and kiss him so gently.

"John. We don't have to talk about anything."

John let out a sigh a relief.

He hugs me so tightly.

"Are you ready to see Ellie today?" He asks.

"More them ever."

Bad idea~John Mulaney Where stories live. Discover now