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Littles are another name for age regressors. These are people who regress into the mind set of a younger child. Ages vary. THIS IS NOT PEODOPHILIA. Its between two consenting adults and often offers a safe space for the age regressor.

You can get both sexual and non sexual littles and its really important you know which one you have, as non sexual little are often vulnerable and (i cannot stress this enough) if you sexualise a non sexual little it doesn't have consent. Ever. Even if theyre your little. It doesn't matter. You can give them non sexual punishments but never do anything they're not comftable with.
Also, and this should go without saying, its incredibly unhealthy to  force somebody to regress so please... just... don't?

Littles will tend to use names for their dom like mommy or daddy, this is not incest or nothing like that. Just a name, some other subs might use it as well but its most widely spread in the little community. They might not feel comftable using these terms and may refrain from using them and thats okay too.

Honestly in summery. Not peodosphila, not incest. Please always have consent. Please remember they are vulnerable babies and they should be cherished.

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