Consensual non consent

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Consensual non consent, or cnc, essentially means to consent and then to pretend to not want to do something. Harder versions of this are things like scenes to make you feel as though you are being raped. Softer versions might simply mean giving a little struggle. I would like to say that it is not rape. As it will have been agreed before hand and safewords should always be used.

I usually would have put kinks like this further up in the book, but seen as it's so common, and so dangerous if incorrectly executed, I decided to talk about it now.

This should not be done without massive amounts of trust on both the doms and the subs side. The sub has to trust the dom will stop if the safe word is said. And the dom has to trust the sub will not try to 'suck it up' and not say the safeword. Which is a really common and potentially traumatic issue.

The first time you do cnc, you should ensure your sub can talk so that safewords can be spoken but this might change depending on what happens. But the first session they should be able to speak or tap.

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