when it started

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joohyun has been staring at her call logs for two minutes before she drops her phone and releases a loud exhale.

it's been three days now. seulgi hasn't called her yet again.

she's been constantly seeing her soulmate these past two months to chat and eat out. after that unplanned shower-visit from weeks ago, most of their meet-ups are spent within her apartment's confines, accompanied by the warm mugs of chocotea.

joohyun prefers it that way. it's safer for the two of them.

not that they are doing something mean or immoral. as far as her memory goes, they have been plain friends. and despite the apparent growing tension between them, they have never done anything sensual even if they had been alone several times in her apartment.

which proves how clear the boundaries are between them.

but it has been three days now since she last heard from her soulmate. seulgi has never been this silent in the course of their so-called friendship.

joohyun wonders what happened.

they don't talk through sms or instant messaging. it's seulgi who always calls first.

they never agreed to it. it's implied that they have to be careful not to raise any suspicion.

but this total silence from seulgi is weird. it's killing joohyun.

does seulgi want them to stop whatever it is they are having?

she could have at least told joohyun, right?

or has eunae found out already?

joohyun shudders at the thought.

knowing this won't let her rest, she decides to take action.


"miss joohyun?" eunae says on the other line. "good evening."

"hey. um. good evening." joohyun scratches the side of her neck. "i'm sorry for calling at this hour. i hope it's not a bad timing?"

"no. it's totally fine. we just had dinner."

we. joohyun breathes in.

"um. i was finalizing some reports and wondered if you've received the email i sent you?" joohyun asks.

"oh. i haven't looked at it. do you need my input on something?"

"i have a few recommendations about some assets we can sell and obtain. will need you to review that and approve so i can implement the changes tomorrow morning."

"ah. it's okay. you can proceed with whatever you think is right. i trust your skills, miss joohyun."

joohyun smiles. "i see. thank you. sure, i'll proceed with those recommendations, but i will still need you to respond to that email as confirmation."

"i surely will," eunae confirms, then a sigh follows. "i'm sorry if i haven't been able to look at my emails. it's been hectic these past few days."

that's the window joohyun's been waiting for. "same here. i hope everything's okay with you and your wife?"

"yeah. well, i took leave from work. seulgi's been sick."

"what?" joohyun shifts the phone to her other hand. "is she okay? do you need help with anything?"

eunae chuckles. "you're so cute, miss joohyun. thank you. but seulgi's fine. she caught chickenpox and would need to stay at home for ten to fourteen days."

"chickenpox? at her age?"

"yeah. she never had one before. we initially thought it was flu, but the spots appeared the day after. i caught it when i was a kid so i'm immune to her now. i had to take a leave from work as the doctor advised for the passengers' safety."

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