when it happened

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"i want to kiss you... right here and now."

joohyun stands there, eyes wide, mouth opened.

her hand pinches the fabric of her shirt as her mind keeps replaying the words she just heard.

seulgi wants to kiss her.

she unconsciously bites her lower lip.

seulgi wants to kiss her... too?

she's had that urge since the first time she invited seulgi over. she didn't make a move or showed any motive because... well... it isn't right. and even if seulgi keeps telling her how beautiful she is, joohyun can feel how her soulmate has been trying to be careful around her all this time.

well, not until tonight.

she realizes it just now; that seulgi's resentment towards seungwan isn't just because they were together before, but because seulgi's still jealous of her ex-girlfriend.

she wouldn't blame seulgi for feeling that. she knows exactly how it feels. she's had her share of jealousy towards eunae that she keeps to herself.

admitting it out loud would mean trouble anyway.

but with seulgi standing there, voicing her feelings out, how is joohyun supposed to respond to that? because after those words left seulgi's mouth, joohyun knows they've already crossed that line that they have been tiptoeing around for months now.

"seulgi..." joohyun exhales, not sure what to say.

seulgi takes in a deep breath and looks away. "look. i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said that. i'll... i'll just leave."

"no..." joohyun calls when seulgi turns away. her feet move to follow the woman, her hand grabbing seulgi by her coat. "please stay..."

seulgi turns to her, and joohyun's heartbeat rises.

"i... i missed you," joohyun whispers, looking down. "two weeks, seul. i haven't seen you for two weeks. please don't go."

seulgi steps closer, gently placing a hand on joohyun's waist. "hey. i'm here. i missed you too."

as if out of instinct, joohyun wraps her arms around seulgi's neck and pulls the taller closer.

and boy did it feel right; like they were supposed to be like that in the first place.

"stay..." she cups seulgi's cheek. "stay here tonight."

seulgi nods. she leans in and kisses joohyun's forehead, down to the tip of her nose, and finally pressing their lips together.

joohyun feels like everything in her life suddenly made sense as soon as their lips touched, like every thought and question that wandered through her mind suddenly had answers.

and for someone like her who's always been an achiever, this is the first time she felt contented, secured.

it amazes her how they seem to perfectly fit each other, like pieces of puzzle combined to make one.

as their kisses become harder, seulgi walks her backwards to the counter, lifting her onto the marble surface and proceeding to kiss her jawline down to her neck.

joohyun wraps her legs around her soulmate's hips. "seulgi..." she clutches the other woman's hair, who keeps peppering her neck with kisses.

seulgi hums.

"let's..." her breath hitches when seulgi's hands went under her shirt.


"bedroom..." joohyun says.

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