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10 - epilogue

there were only a few weeks before the final exams. both jeongwoo and jinyoung were intensely studying, or at least they looked like they were. obviously distracted, they scribbled down a list of things they wanted to do together after the exam. it had been the boy's idea and the girl just could not reject the boy.

"jeongwoo, this is too hard. can i think if this later?"

the boy pouted thinking the girl couldn't think of things she wanted to do with him. he had already written down twenty and he was far from finishing. then, the girl continued talking.

"i'd be here for years if i had to write them out. i already have a hundred in my diary."

the boy's face immediately lit up. he scrunched his list up saying, "noona. let's do your list first. we can tick them off one by one."

the girl smiled and then gently pushed the boy who was laying his head on her shoulder.

"come on jeongwoo. you have to study. we didn't get to study much this term."

the boy pouted once more and turned to his english book. honestly, he could come first if he wanted to. he just never had that much determination. but the girl next to him had the dedication. one of her goals was to come first in the grade across all subjects at least once. once she got her head into it, no one could stop her. well at least, no one could stop her before. she took a glance at the boy who was boredly staring at the english textbook. she smiled. well not studying for one day couldn't hurt right? she had almost lived in the library for the past two weeks, trying to catch up on the work she missed while thinking of jeongwoo. she started to pack her bag and the boy looked at her confused. but when she mouthed 'let's go' he immediately got up. he placed his books neatly into his bag before running to catch up with the girl who was already outside.

"let's have some fun today."

"where are we going?"

"you'll see."

"it's already dark noona, be careful."

"i'm with you so it will be fine."

the boy smiled at the girl who was skipping just a few metres in front. then a man riding a bike came their way and the boy immediately pulled her back, into his arms.

"noona. i told you to be careful."

the girl guiltily smiled at him and started to lead the way once more.


"okay. we're here!"

the place was beautiful. a night garden. the flowers were in full bloom and the colours somehow managed to glisten in the dark. fairy lights lit up the area, creating a romantic and peaceful atmosphere. the moon was a full moon and stars filled the sky. the wind was only gently blowing. it was a perfect moment.

the girl faced the boy who was looking around in awe.

"apparently, the person you come here with will be your last love. that's why there's almost only couples."

the boy looked around and indeed, there were only couples.

"it's like our cafe."

the girl nodded, mesmerised by the stars and the lights. she felt the boy's hand brush past hers. her heart raced. then, his hand intertwined with hers, warming her. she smiled. it was perfect. almost perfect. she felt like something more needed to happen. like ... like a kiss. she was shocked at her own thoughts and jumped, making the boy turn towards her.

"are you okay noona?"

she couldn't meet his eyes at first and her face started turning red. then she looked up and before she could even stop herself, she gave him a small peck on the lips.

then she started to run away. the boy stood there processing what happened. then he smiled at the girl's cuteness and ran to catch up with her. he held her arm back, making her spin around dramatically, facing him. then he gently caressed her cheek and moved in, angling his head before meeting her lips with his own. the girl stood there shocked, but soon closed her eyes and returning the kiss.

they were breathless when they broke apart, but they were smiling, happy.

"i love you noona."

"love you too jeongwoo."

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