Chaper 1

436 10 7

It was an early morning, birds were chirping and the faint noise of cars and children. Angie opened her eyes looking out her window, the girl smiled and hoped out of bed into the bathroom. She splashed water onto her face doing her "daily routine." After such, she brushed her teeth and walked back to her room picking out her usual outfit, while putting on her clothes her phone buzzed. Angie's face lit up with joy seeing the name "Smoogs~💙" pop up on the screen. Angie slide open her phone to see what was said.
"Angie? Oh I hope this is the correct number, Kokichi gave me a number to a strip club!"
Angie smiled and giggled a bit before replying to the girl.
"Ah yes! You did indeed get the correct number Tsumugi!!"
"Oh I am glad! Let me know when you're ready and I'll meet you at your house!"
"Nyeh! Will do!"
Angie has been struggling with school the past few days, everything has been putting her under pressure. Especially her art. Angie was always confident and proud of her art work, but lately she's been feeling off about it. Tsumugi was the first to notice Angie's stress and brought it up one day.  Angie of course being little scared of Tsumugi, was afraid to open up about the subject. But Tsumugi offered her help, which Angie had accepted leading to this day. Angie let out a sigh walking into the kitchen grabbing two bottles of cold water placing them on the table. She sat for a few minutes letting her mind wander. Tsumugi was a very popular cosplayer, she cosplayed from many different games and anime's. Angie's mind continued to wander until a knock on her door snapped her out of her day dream. The girl got up, put a smile on her face and opened the door.
"Ah hello Tsumugi!"
"Greetings, Angie. May I come it?"
"Yes, of course!" Angie said with a big smile leading Tsumugi into the kitchen. Both girls sat down in the kitchen, Tsumugi pulling out her books and notebooks.
"So, what are you exactly struggling with?" Tsumugi asked looking at Angie.
"Math," Angie said with an embarrassed look, "I'm struggling with math." Angie finally got the words out and Tsumugi smiled.
"Oh Angie, that's nothing to worry about! It's ok, not many people are very good at math. It's a very difficult subject to learn!" Tsumugi said with a cheerful smile.

Her blueberry hair was tied up in a long ponytail, she was wearing a dark blue sundress with black shoes. Angie stared at Tsumugi, a tint of red forming onto her face. Her mind and heart was racing, Angie knew she had an attraction towards girls, she just didn't know if Tsumugi was the one. "Are you alright? Did I say something offensive?" Tsumugi was much closer to Angie, she looked at her with a worried expression. Soon Angie snapped out of it looking into Tsumugi's bright blue eyes, "Oh- oh! Yes I'm so sorry, I am certainly alright!" Angie said pulling her notebook out of her bag. "Y-Yes, um I haven't finished assignment 4-8 yet, I've been having so much trouble with it." She said looking at her messing notebook, she was only truly struggling with math and science but if it meant spending more time with Tsumugi, she'd continue to ask for help in multiple subjects. "Hm, alright let's get started." Tsumugi said.

The tutoring session lasted about three hours, Angie finished her homework and understood the whole lesson and was ready for an upcoming test. Plus, she got to spend time with Tsumugi. Angie let her to the door thanking her with every ounce of happiness she had. Tsumugi smiled and waved at Angie as she walked back to her car. Angie smiled and laughed running to her room opening her phone.
"Tenko I did it!!"
"Ah?!??)? You did?!?!?"
"Yeah, I did! I got through the lesson in once piece!"
"I wanna spend more time with her, got any ideas at all?"
It took Tenko a few minutes to type, Angie stared at her phone still having a huge smile on her face.
"Ok, plan time! You buy her chocolates, (she enjoys milk chocolate.) flowers, ginger tea, and flowers. Yes, any kind will work so don't stress it. Um, oh right actual plan! You text her saying you need help with school again and you would like to meet up with her at a park! Then, you both show up and you hand her the gifts!!"
"Are you sure? How did you find this stuff out??"
"My beautiful Himiko of course!"
"Haha, ok...."
Angie blushed, as she went into the kitchen. She also enjoyed ginger tea so she had a few packs of it left, she put those into a small blue bag before grabbing her keys and rushing to the nearby market.

The markets lights were lit up by the night sky, Angie rushed into the store and purchased the things she needed. The girl rushed back into her room putting the things together pulling out her phone texting Tsumugi.
"Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to hangout tomorrow?!" Angie shook her head remembering what Tenko told her. But, she was so excited she didn't care and pressed sent. Seconds, minutes, hours went by and still no response. Angie was starting to get anxious until her phone buzzed.

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