Chapter 4

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Angie opened her eyes, she honestly didn't remember much that even happened but she smelt the scent of Tsumugi. The artist rubbed her eyes looking at her phone, a sigh of relief leaving her mouth noticing it was Saturday. That meant there was at least 2 months until her major art project was due. She hadn't even started. Angie was obviously an art major, she's surprisingly made it pretty far, she even sold her commissioned work so she could afford food and basic items. Tsumugi knocked on the door before coming in holding a tray of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and a cup of orange juice.

The artist's eyes lit up at the meal, hell it smelt amazing. A smile formed onto Angie's face as she took the tray, Tsumugi sitting next to her planting a small kiss on her forehead. "Good morning my love." Tsumugi said in a soft tone, a warm feeling formed on Angie's cheeks. "Good morning...cutie pie." Angie said with a calm but tired tone. Tsumugi let out a small laugh before kissing Angie on the lips. The two girls talked as Angie finished her food.

     "Tsumugi? May I ask you a question?"
      "Why of course, is something wrong?"
       "No..well yes. Next month I have a huge art project due, I haven't even started it. I've been so self conscious about everything lately, that and struggling with school has just made my life a living hell. I" Angie said in a soft but shaky tone. Tsumugi smiled and got up from the bed, "I Tsumugi Shirogane will help you, Angie." She said with a bubbly tone. "Get your art supplies ready and meet me back here. I have an idea." Angie smiled at those words as she hopped up to her feet putting on her clothes rushing out the door to her apartment. A few minutes passed and Angie showed up carrying canvases, different types of paint and paint brushes, a pastel yellow folder, and to Tsumugi's surprise; coffee.

Tsumugi helped the smaller girl putting her things down in the living room before heading to her room. Angie looked at her with a strange look while Tsumugi rushed back to her room. She didn't say anything because it seemed to be completely normal in a way. A few minutes had passed and Tsumugi walked out in a stunning blue dress, her hair and makeup done looking to be perfection. Angie stared in awe. 'Hell, she's absolutely stunning'. Angie said to herself.
     "So, you're idea is dress up?"
       "No silly! I heard ideas could come from looking at things you wouldn't normally see in a day to day life."
'Who the hell told you that? Hell, is she reading those Junko Enoshima magazines again?! I remember in high school when she was obsessed with Junko Enoshima. I wonder if she still is.' Angie smiled at Tsumugi as she laid papers on the table, "this is what I have so's nothing great. I can freestyle and do whatever I want. I was trying to either go for landscaping or a city." Angie said waving her hands in the air to motion what she's talking about. After a moment of silence Angie finally jumped to her feet, pulling a canvas onto her easel and grabbing paints from her bag. "I have an idea Tsumugi! I need you to take your dress off half way!" Angie said with excitement, Tsumugi blushed at the comment but obeyed the girls wishes and took her dress off halfway. Angie smiled before she opened her mouth, "you look absolutely gorgeous, Tsumugi," she said before smiling once again, "my idea was to paint you in a field of flowers." Tsumugi blushed before smiling, "oh Angie, you're so creative." The painter laughed as she began to create outlines of her work.

About three days had passed since Angie begun her piece. Both girls were exhausted as they laid down on the floor, paint on Angie's whole body, some even made it on the floor. Tsumugi held Angie tightly rubbing her back and giving her little kisses on her forehead. "You did so good, Angie. I'm so proud of you." Tsumugi said in a soft and sweet tone. Tsumugi kissed Angie once again before falling into a deep sleep for the first time in three days.

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