Chapter 7

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Birds chirping. The sound of an alarm. Kids laughing. Tsumugi opened her eyes at a slow pace getting up noticing Angie wasn't there. The cosplayer was tucked into bed having a hot pad on her stomach. Did I do this? She asked herself before looking around the room like it was a new area. "A nightmare...I hope." She said before getting out of bed, a sharp pain hit her like a truck. "Ouch! Fucking hell!" She screamed. It wasn't normal Tsumugi to cuss out loud like that, but the pain was so unbearable. She collapsed into the floor screaming once again, is this how Angie felt? God the pain was horrible. The cosplayer called out for Angie, "A-Angie! Are you there?" She yelled hoping her words were heard.

It felt like at least an hour had passed until she heard a bag and keys drop to the floor. "A-Angie?" Tsumugi choked out. The artist opened the door breathing heavily. "T-Tsumugi! I am so so sorry! I went out to get pain meds because it sounded like you were in pain! I brought other things so you'd feel better! I am so so so sorry!" Angie screamed as she got onto her knees helping Tsumugi up onto the bed. She planted a kiss onto her forehead and left the room for a second then came back with a bottle of pain killers and tea. "Take these. It'll help. They helped me a lot while I was in maybe they'll help you too." Angie said, her accent wasn't as bubbly as it was a few days ago. It had a sad shaky tone to it. Tsumugi nodded and took the cup from Angie as she laid back down staring at the ceiling.

Guessing she drifted again, she was back in her memory. The body discovery announcement had just passed and there Tsumugi saw Angie's body on the floor. Her legs felt heavy, tears filled her eyes before she fell to her knees in front of everyone. She didn't want to be the mastermind anymore, she wanted it to end. All of it. She'd curse whoever did this to Angie, she'd never ever forgive the culprit. As everyone left, Tsumugi crawled over to Angie's cold dead body. "A-Angie.." carful not to mess with the evidence, she caressed the girls hand as she laid on the floor sobbing. She couldn't bare it anymore, the pain in her heart was real. Before getting back to her feet, Tsumugi kissed Angie softly softly saying a series of sentences, "Angie. I love you so so much my love. Once this is all over, we'll see each other again. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I will reveal myself so we can see each other once again. I will love you forever, Angie." Tsumugi said walking away wiping the tears from her eyes.

Tenko's body was found not to long after. Himiko was in tears, sobbing just as Tsumugi had. That made her heart break, all of it was horrible. Tenko was such a sweet girl, it broke Tsumugi's heart. A few hours had passed and it was time for the trial. It went by for what seemed like hours. It was Korekiyo. Tsumugi felt anger, true anger as she shouted, "how could you kill her?! She didn't deserve to die! Both of them didn't deserve to die! Angie was a sweet girl who didn't deserve any of it! She wanted to help, she wanted to help us all escape! Korekiyo, tell me why!" Silence. He hadn't spoken one word after that. Just his creepy laugh. "Kehehe." That's all that played in her mind while watching Korekiyo's execution. "Angie..." Tsumugi said one last time before heading to her dorm.

After that moment Tsumugi had woken up to Angie being gone again. But the noise from outside had calmed her. She was painting. Tsumugi got closer to the door ignoring the pain as she watched the artist create a masterpiece. It took away all the pain from her nightmares, Angie was amazing. Just everything about her made her feel powerful. Tsumugi came closer to the artist, putting her hands on her shoulder. "Hello Angie." She said kissing her on the neck. Angie let out a small giggle before turning back around. "Hello Tsumugi~!" She said cheerfully. It was like her old bubbly self. "Oh! Tsumugi! I have a gift for you!" Before Tsumugi could answer she was being dragged back into her room.

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