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Deafening silence wrapped the married couple as Liz sat on the couch and Avan stood across her with the coffee table in between them. It felt as though they were back at square one again. They were back to awkwardly shuffling around each other and pursing their lips in an awkward manner.

Liz had one of her many poetry books sprawled open on her lap. She flips through the pages silently and finds a well-pressed petunia flower. It was brown now and dry but you could still tell that it used to be pink. Her fingers caress its wilted petals gently before picking it up and twirling it around between her fingers.

"That's the petunia I first gave you," Avan lowly mutters, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Liz nods, not looking at him. "It's all withered up now."

"But it's still beautiful," he replies.

She shrugs her shoulders and placed the dried flower back into the pages of her poetry book. She catches a quick glance at the page it was pressed into and immediately, her eyes water just the slightest bit.

One night, I stood under the stars,
Wondering if this sight ever synced hearts,

But I wondered why they looked so dull,
Why do they lack that magic sparkle?

And then I realized it was because I've looked into your eyes,
And ever since that moment, nothing could ever be brighter.

She had read this aloud for Avan so many years ago under the shade of a tree because it reminded her of him. It was the first gesture she ever made to tell him that she liked him as well. He had looked at her with his chocolate eyes filled with so much adoration and she couldn't help herself but kiss his cheek. They became an official couple shortly after that day.

Now, they barely even looked at each other. They've come so far in their relationship— a child, engagement and marriage— to only come back to a place they never wanted to be in.

"Liz, you still didn't answer my question," he states as his wife closes the book she was holding and placed it on the coffee table.

She only shrugs in return, not even bothering to meet his eyes that she once claimed were brighter than the stars.

"Talk to me please."

"You wanted to talk, not me," she softly replies.

"Fucking hell, Liz!" he exasperatedly growls, his hands flying up to his hair.

Liz was startled by his choice of words and by his tone. His entire demeanor as of the moments scared her if she was being honest. She doesn't remember even seeing Avan in this state because he was usually such a patient husband and father towards the two most important girls in his life.

"I was at the park," she whimpered with a hint of fright in her tone. "Are you happy now?"

"Happy?" he spits out venomously. "Humor me, Liz, how the hell am I supposed to be happy when my wife walked out on me last night?! I didn't sleep a wink and Mia, I'm pretty fucking sure she cried enough tears to flood the Sahara."

"I'm not your child, Avan. Don't scold me like I am."

Apparently, Avan wasn't quite finished with her because he didn't pay heed to whatever she said and continued ranting on.

"Do you know how selfish you were, Liz?!"

His words stung her like salt on a wound. She knew she was being selfish but to hear it come from Avan's mouth made it so much more real. It had been spoken and heard and therefore made real, more tangible.

Flowers//ElavanWhere stories live. Discover now