Chapter 6

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Hinata's POV


Shorty went offline

Blondey: why Asahi?.. It was fake? Even so, do you think we would be that stupid to expose ourselves on text messages thst could easily be hacked?

Blondey went offline

God: I'm sorry...


Private Messages

Mama: Noya, did you say that Hinata has tattoos?

Short Psychopath 2: Yea.. He said that his friend did it, and that some of his other friends have them. He said that he gambles, and that he sees a lot of guns involved, and that there was a gun held to his head..

Short Psychopath 2: there was 2 roses, one made of cards, one made of money... Then there was a bird, a tiger, a scull, and a moon..

Mama: did the rest mean anything?

Short Psychopath 2: I don't know Suga.. I don't know..

Mama: We aren't going to talk about this on the phone. I will call @ Dead-chi and were going to go talk about this and then we can find out what the hell is going on with Hinata. Alright, meet me up at Karasono's front gates. See you there, in the morning.

Short Psychopath 2: okay, see you later Suga!

In real life~

Suga calls Dachi, and tells him to meet up at Karasono in the morning. They do, and Hinata and Kenma follow them. "Okay, now let's go to the park." "Why the park?" Noya asks him. "Because people will just think we are normal teenagers hanging out. Nothing suspicious." They walk there. But Hinata and Kenma is faster than them, because they have a car.

Hinata's POV

"Okay, so we.are going to have to act like a couple." "E-Eh?! You never said that?!" "Yea, but we also need wigs, or hats. I got a wig. What about you?" "I guess I could wear a wig.." "Okay, great." I put on the girls wig. "Can I use your sweater? It would seem more real." "Yea, sure." He hands mr his sweater. Then he puts on another one.

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(This is how they look like)

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(This is how they look like)

"You look good Hinata.." "Thanks Kenma." I don't like him. I like someone else honestly. Not Yachi either. She likes me. Along with Atsumu and Osamu. Which sucks. I don't usually fall in love, but if it is for someone really special to me then yea. It's Kageyama. And to be honest, I am actually a switch. Surprised some of you guys huh?

"Hey, I thunk I see them coming." "Then let's hurry it up!" We put in these ear pieces, that enhance sounds, that includes wind, talking, and vibrations. If you turn it all the way up, your going to go deaf if a noise occurs when you have the device in your ear. We were sitting on a bench. I was lying on his shoulder, and he was laying on my head. 

We were whispering to each other. "Hey, what do you wanna do?" I ask him. "Climb a tree and have a picnic in it at the top?" "Hmm. We could just have a normal picnic. I could invite our friends. And Kageyama too." "Ugh, why." "Because, he is my friend. What? Can I not have friends?" "You can, just not him.." "Come on Kenma. Let's just listen to them." And we do.

"Okay, how are we going to find out if he is a you know." "Researching. We can search up his last name, and see what comes up." "Shit. Kenma, did you-" "Yea, I took it down a while ago." "Thanks." They do. "Nothing comes up besides Hinata. I wonder if we are just overreacting." "I don't think so Suga. Why would Hinata have a skull tattoo and do that lyric prank? He also has a moon. Which stands for blood moon reapers."

(I changed the name because it sounds cooler like that.)

"Your right, but your forgetting. You told Suga that the blood moon reapers killed the guy who robbed him. He could like them. Which would be unexpected, but still." Then I get a text from Kageyama.

Milk Boi: Where are you?

Shorty: with Kenma, why?

Milk Boi: oh, nvm.

Shorty: Oi, tell me! Please Kagyeama?

Milk Boi: do you wanna hang out at the park?

Shorty: Yea, sure. I am also going to invite some others, okay?

Milk Boi: yea whatever. What time do you wanna meet up?

Shorty: hmm, 1 p.m?

Milk Boi: okay ser u there. Bye.

Shorty: bai.

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