Chapter 8

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Hinata's POV

Then we got to the base. Finally. I open up the door, and we escort them into a common room. Where it looks comforting, and they plop down on the couch.

"Alrighty then. Since you guys are clearly wanting to sit down and relax your nerves, how about some snacks? We got a lot." I say, wanting them to say yes. "Oh, uh, thanks Hinata.." Dachi said. "Don't worry, I won't hurt my friends, and if anyone here does do anything, tell me. I will deal with it." I walk into the kitchen.

"We have all kinda of popcorn, chips, cereal, boba maker, ramen, I could make soba, noodles, pizza, chocolate, cupcakes, cake, crackers, fruit snacks and yea." "Oh! Can you make soba?!" Noya asks me, running into the kitchen. I see he's less tense. But Suga and Dachi didn't say anything.

"Yea! I can. Also, Kenma, where is Natsu? Isn't she supposed to be here? Or is she in the weapons room messing around with everything." "Hold on, let me check the cameras.. She's in her room watching TV, she's watching your guys game against Shiritorizawa." "Okay, can you call her here?"

He nods his head, and then the speaker activates. "Natsu, your brother wants you in the kitchen. He's making us lunch." I then hear a dood slam shut. Then Natsu appears.

"Food?! Lunch?! Where?- Oh, Nii~Chan, who are they?" "You have a little sister Hinata?!" Noya asks me. "Yea. She's adorable, but she can be mean. Trust me, I know." "Then why haven't you-" "I don't harm anyone I truly love and think of as family. That includes Natsu, and you guys. I haven't harmed you guys, right? Wait, right? Hey! Answer me!" He laughs. I could feel the tension in the air slowly fade.

Suga and Dachi both come in here. "Hey, I got a question." Suga asks me. "Huh?" "Why were you so cold to us in the car?" "Oh, that's my rule. We have to act cold at first to anyone who finds out, to make sure that they understand that this is a huge secret. Then welcome them, and be kind. I am not forcing myself to be kind, I was actually forcing myself to be rude. Just my policy."

"That's good to know. I guess I could also have some soba, if you don't mind." Suga said. "Uh, me too." Dachi said. "Okay guys. You can watch anything you want, we have everything basically. NeiFlix, Daisy, Daisy Plus, MeiTube, VeeDee, Alaozon Prime, Hala, Cruchroll, you name it. Okay?" "Okay!" Noya runs into the living room, and flops down on the couch.

"Noya! Be respectful!" Dachi said. I laugh. "Relax, it's totally fine! Bokuto and Kuroo always do it too." I start to make the soba. Then I hear Bokuto and Kuroo chatting. Akkashi was along with them. They see me, and both Bokuto and Kuroo run up to me, picking me up. "Put me down you dummy! Eek! The soba, guys!" "Wait, SOBA?!" They both say. "Yea! And if you don't put me down you won't get any!" They put me down.

"Sorry boss!" They bow to me. I hit their heads. "You dumbos! I am cooking! Couldn't you tell?! I am wearing an apron! And but the damn stove!" I turn around. "Now go sit in the shame corner. I am disappointed." I hear Noya laugh, and Suga along with Dachi trying to hold back their laugh, but they couldn't.

"Hey! I hear you!" Bokuto says. "Me too!" "S-Still! That was hilarious!" "If you all don't shut up your all going into the shame corner! And then no soba for you!" They quickly shut up. I go back to cooking. Then it was done.

I set up everyone a bowl. Kenma noticed, and grabbed a bowl quickly. "Oi, you better sit your ass down at the table, and then eat. Your not going to your room, we have guests. OI! GET IN HERE AND QUICKLY IF YOU WANT FOOD BEFORE I EAT IT ALL IN FRONT OF YOU, ESPECIALLY KUROO AND BOKUTO!" Then everyone quickly got a bowl. They sat down at the table, and we ate.

"Whoa, this is so good, is there any more?" Suga asked me. "Yea, a whole lot. Look inside the pot. Also I made meat buns for later. If anyone touches them, I will break your finger. Except Suga and Dachi, but don't touch them." "Hey! What about me?!" Noya said. "Eh? I did I say your name? Nope. You may be my upper classmen, but your not touching my meat buns. If I catch you doing so, fingers broken, pan, and then shame corner. Okay? Also you guys wanna go meet up with Kags later?"

"Yea, sure." Akkashi said. Atsumu and Osamu walk into the dinning room. They see us eating. "No fair! And he made soba?!" Atsumu said. They sit down, and they also grab a bowl. "About time you two. Hurry up, we gotta go hang out with Kageyama. I also am going to invite Iwazumi. Flattykawa isn't invited." Suga, Noya and Dachi choked on their food.

"Whoa whoa whoa, you guys okay?" I ask them. "Y-Yea, we're good. Uh, 'Flattykawa'-?" Suga said. "Yea. His ass is flat, so.. What's the big deal? We gave him that nickname, but we don't say it around him. If we do, he is a total buzz kill." "Oof. That sucks. But still, that's funny."

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