Zarry - Hold on

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(a/n This one's going to be a quite long one, with some drama)


° Include the mention of suicide
° Include attempt of suicide
° Include the mention of self harm
° Include bullying

*Third person POV*

Zayn is a high school kid that has multi-problems in life such as his family relationships, school problems, anxiety and all of these problems lead him to depression. His father has always been an alcoholic and abuse him whenever his mum goes out to sleep with some other bloke and therefore, the bullies in his school would always make fun of him and call him worthless because even his own father hates him and his mother doesn't care about him at all since the day he was born. The bullying he is dealing with makes him deal with anxiety and also turn him into a person that doesn't talk to anyone that he does not trust, which is apparently the whole school. He always feels like he is just a mistake and a waste of space. He has fallen into depression and always felt suicidal which encouraged him to cut. Harry, on the other hand, he is 20 years old just two years older than Zayn and he has always been this ball of sunshine that smiles all the time. He works with a company that produces songs. He also has a lovely mother and a sister along with a step father whom is also a great person. To sum it up, Harry has the life that's definitely the opposite of Zayn and the life that anyone would kill for.


Zayn got into a huge fight with his parents, again. He had just got home from a stress day of school to find his parents shouting and fighting. Probably about mum cheating again and dad's drinking problem. He thought to himself. So, he did what he thought was right, he tried to break the fight saying that they should stop fighting and their kids, whom are him and Doniya hate to see them fight. Zayn could already guess that Doniya was somewhere in her room hiding with music in her headphones playing at full volume, not wanting to hear their parents fighting. Back to the fighting situation, his parents didn't appreciate his advice and instead, started shouting at him and brought up the disappearance of their younger daughters, Waliyha and Safaa, they have always blamed Zayn for what had happened. Yes, true, Zayn was with the two little girls in the park on a Saturday evening, but it sure was not his fault when the girls decided to play a little hide-n-seek and run off on Zayn. Zayn did know the girls were playing hide-n-seek, but he of course didn't expect them to disappear all of a sudden. But for their parents, it was like Zayn was the one that prayed for the two little girls to go missing, they had no mercy on Zayn at all and hurt the lad emotionally, mentally and sometimes physically which didn't help Zayn with his depression. Doniya tried to protect her younger brother physically all she could, but she herself was also scared of what her parents are capable of. So, she instead help her younger brother mentally by being there and always listening to his complaints or vents on certain things, but even so, it seems to not be enough because Zayn still cuts. Despite the issues at home, he also deals with school stress caused by bullying and harassing which brings him closer to the edge of breaking down due to over stressed and he starts missing the due dates of his assignments and few teachers started scolding him and all this evokes him to fall into depression. He has the worst life, the life that no one in the world would ever ask for, but he still is grateful to have his lovely supportive and caring sister. He feels like he can be transparent when it comes to her. He feels like he is in his own skin, like he doesn't need any shells to cover himself when he's with his sister, Doniya. Plus, Doniya is only a year older and therefore makes it easier for Zayn to interact with her cause they can relate on most things in life and they also think quite the same way which causes them to understand each other better.

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