Zouis - Clingy

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*Thrid person POV*

Zayn and Louis are best friends of 3 years and they had just started dating a couple months ago they also share a dorm. They are in their lower sixth form with their three mutual friends who are Niall, Harry and Liam.

"Babe, I'm going out with me friends" Louis informed as he walks towards Zayn who is sitting on his bed. "Can I come? pleaseeee" Zayn pleaded and Louis just groaned as he always faces the same thing every time he's going out. "You don't even know them, just stay here" Louis said as polite as he could even though it wasn't. Zayn just scoffed as he said, "Fine, but I'm hanging out with Liam later" Louis just nodded and bend a little bit to place a kiss on Zayn's lips, and with that, he walks through the door as Zayn text Liam asking is he's free. Luckily, he is free and had just finished studying like the nerd he is.


"Hey, mate" Zayn greets as he pulls a chair to sit on at the coffee shop. "Hey, you sound off, what's wrong?" Liam asked concern visible in his tone. "Nothing, you don't have to worry about it" Zayn said and call for a waiter right after it. "C'mon Z, it's not nothing, you're looking down, mate" Liam said after Zayn ordered his drink. "Ugh, sometimes I hate how you read me like an open book" Zayn groaned as Liam just grin."You can't hide anything from me Zayn, now spill" Liam said and Zayn just takes a deep breath. "I, it's just that, Louis is always out and I just want to be with him and spend time with him" Zayn explained whilst Liam just sighed. "It's fine Zayn, I'm sure he just wants some space" Liam tried to assure Zayn. "Hey, c'mon, cheer up buddy, let's go have some fun" Liam gets up and goes to Zayn's side and hug him slightly.


"Thanks Li, I had a great time" Zayn said as he's about to get out of the car. "No need to thank me, Z" Liam said and waves Zayn off. Zayn walks up the stairs to his and Louis' shared dorm. He was about to enter when he heard voices that sounds like Louis and Harry. "He's just so fucking clingy! it's like he expects me to be with him 24/7!" Louis' voice said. "For god sake Louis! he just wants your attention!" Harry's voice argued. Who are they talking about? Before Zayn's mind could think of anyone, he heard Louis' voice again. "But Zayn doesn't have to be so fooking clingy and suffocating!" Louis yelled as Zayn has now started sobbing. Those words cut like the sharpest knife ever found. His heart was tore open as tears were rolling down his cheeks. He decided to go to the library to absorb the calmness and quietness of the environment to cool off.


After a couple hours being spent at the library, Zayn finally decided to head back to the dormitory. "Hey, Love" Louis greeted as soon as the door opened revealing Zayn. Zayn just waves and goes straight to his bed, not caring about the confusion written on Louis' face. If you're wondering why Louis is confused, Zayn would always snuggle up to Louis any chance he gets. Every time he sees Louis is on his bed, he would do anything to just be with him. "Hey, how was it hanging out with Liam?" Louis asked as he comes closer towards Zayn's bed. Zayn just shrugged as he turns on his laptop to get some assignments done. Seeing the response he got, he leant in closer towards Zayn and tried to place a kiss on Zayn's mouth. Tried. But Zayn pushed him away, "Would you please, leave me alone? I'm trying to get some work done here" Zayn said and Louis was shocked and taken aback by those words because Zayn never, by never means never push Louis away. Despite the shock state he's in, he got up and went to his own bed.


It's been almost a week since Zayn overheard the conversation and things haven't been good, in fact, it's becoming worse. Zayn would do anything to avoid Louis at all cost. He would hang out with Liam or Niall or Harry whenever Louis is in the dorm. But unfortunately today, all three of them have to study for their upcoming exams. "Z, I'm going out, you want to come?" Louis asked Zayn whom is playing game on his phone, obviously not busy at all. "No, you can go" Zayn replied eyes still locked on his phone. "Oh, m- o-okay" Louis said, quite shocked from Zayn's reply. Louis then take his phone out and walked to the other side of the room and dialed out a phone number. After a minute, he came back to the side of the room where Zayn is still sat on his own bed. "Babe, I'm not going out" Louis informed as he stands in front of Zayn. "Kay, cool" was all that Zayn replied. "Aren't you going to bomb me with cuddles, kisses and shits that you'd always do?" Louis asked clearly frustrated. "I thought you hate me being clingy" Zayn said with full of bitterness in his tone. "I-- what?" Louis stuttered with his words. He didn't hear me and Harry talking, did he? He couldn't have, he shouldn't have. God what if he did? Louis mentally talked to himself afraid of what could have caused Zayn to be so distant to him. "Isn't that what you said to Harry!" Zayn is now yelling out what he had kept to himself all along. "I-i- I did..." Louis said with his head looking down at the floor. "B-but I miss you, I miss you being attached to me 24/7, I miss your kisses, your hugs, I miss cuddling with you" Louis said with tears threatening to fall down. "I-i I'm sorry.... I just, I had to let out to someone about how much I hated you being clingy, but now I realise, I hate you being distant to me so much more. I l-love you, it hurts so much to see you avoiding me" Louis said it all with tears falling one after another. Zayn's features soften after he heard those words. He patted the spot beside him, indicating Louis to sit there. Louis sat there, tears still flowing down his cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, I'm such a horrible boyfriend, I-" Louis said but got cut off by Zayn shushing him. "Hey, it's fine, you're not a horrible boyfriend, just an idiot, that's all.." Zayn 'assured' as he pulls Louis closer to his chest. Louis was still breathing heavily as tears are starting to wet Zayn's shirt. "You're fine, I forgive you" Zayn said and not long after, Louis' breathing started becoming even. Zayn turned to face his boyfriend and he is fast asleep as his face is snuggled in Zayn's chest. Zayn laid down on the bed and pulled Louis along. "I love you too" And with that, they both fell asleep.

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